Integrating Research and Education
One of the goals of MLER is to demonstrate ways to bring exciting new research results into instructional activities at all levels.
Cryogenic-SEM image of phormidium growing on mineral substrate, sampled from ice from east Lake Bonney, an Antarctic dry valley lake. Image by David Mogk and sample provided by John Priscu, Montana State University.
For researchers, MLER can assist by aggregating and disseminating research results for use by educators and students to meet NSF's Broader Impacts goals and NASA's education and public outreach mission. Resources available through MLER include:
Integrating Research and Education, a site which presents examples and advice on how to effectively integrate research and education
Tips on Partnering, between scientists, educators, and curriculum develops.
Tips on Assessment to demonstrate impacts and outcomes.
Resources for Teaching Biocomplexity, including the results of a workshop sponsored by the NRC on Integrating Research and Education, Biocomplexity Investigators Explore the Possibilities