Workshop Program

Jump to Wednesday

Each day will concentrate on three main themes (as detailed below), and will follow the same structure:

  • The first hour will be dedicated to topic overviews from invited speakers and/or panelists, with a chance for workshop participants to pose questions.
  • The second hour participants will split into breakout groups organized by the theme. You will be assigned to a breakout group based on your preferences submitted prior to the workshop.
  • The last hour is reserved for each breakout groups to report back to the whole group. Discussion will focus on creating of a list of priorities for each of the themes, which will inform plans for a subsequent meeting in Fall or Winter.

Monday, August 2nd 15:00 - 18:00 EDT

How can scientific ocean drilling best prepare the next generation of Earth scientists? Day 1

15:00 Welcome and Introduction to the Preparing the Next Generation workshop (10 minutes)

15:10 How can we build greater awareness of scientific ocean drilling, and scientific ocean drilling-related career opportunities? (10 minutes)

15:20 What is the best way to expand, compile, and promote scientific ocean drilling-related educational resources? (10 minutes)

15:30 How can we create and support opportunities for undergraduate research involving scientific ocean drilling data / samples? Panel session (15 minutes)

15:45 Q&A for all speakers (25 minutes)

  • Please put questions into the chat at any time, and our Moderator (Carol Cotterill) will keep track of these for this session.

16:10 Comfort Break (10 minutes)

16:20 Breakout Group Discussions (40 minutes)

17:00 Group Reports and Discussion (50 minutes)

  • What did your group conclude?
  • What were your top takeaway points?

Our live illustrator from Ink Factory, Ariana Essian, will capture and synthesize key points in real time during the reporting and ensuing discussions. We will also take notes in our private workspace.

17:50 Looking ahead and brief road check (10 minutes) Kristen St John

Between sessions: Add to the discussions via the discussion board in the private workspace for this workshop. And examine supporting Resources recommended by workshop leaders, speakers, and panelists.

Wednesday, August 4th 15:00 - 18:00 Eastern

How can scientific ocean drilling best prepare the next generation of Earth scientists? Day 2

15:00 Welcome back (10 minutes) Carol Cotterill

15:10 How can scientific ocean drilling's professional development be enhanced to develop critical scientific and transdisciplinary skills for educators? (15 minutes)

  • "Inside" view on current activities - Sharon Katz-Cooper, Senior Education and Outreach Officer, USSSP
  • "Outside" view on professional development for educators - Deb Morrison, Research Scientist, College of Education, University of Washington

15:25 How can we effectively expand/prioritize training programs for scientists involved with scientific ocean drilling research? (15 minutes)

15:40 What are effective mentoring strategies for graduate students, postdocs, and tenure-track faculty within scientific ocean drilling? How can we expand on effective mentoring, especially for those in historically marginalized groups in STEM? (35 minutes)

  • What research on mentoring tells us - Melissa McDaniels, Associate Executive Director, Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison (10 min)
  • Panelists (15 min)
    • Marta Torres - Professor, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, and current U.S. Advisory Committee for Scientific Ocean Drilling (USAC) Chair
    • Brittany Hupp - Postdoc, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University
    • Abah Omale - BP, previously Louisiana State University
    • Rocío Caballero-Gill - George Mason University, GeoLatinas, Mazak Academic Coaching
    • Andy Fraass - Assistant Professor, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria
    • Slides from panelists who opted to share them publicly: Personal perspectives on effective mentoring (Acrobat (PDF) 314kB Oct13 21)
      • Slides from all panelists are available to workshop participants in our private workspace

16:15 Comfort Break (10 minutes)

16:25 Q&A for all speakers (20 minutes)

  • Please put questions into the chat at any time, and our Moderator (Adriane Lam) will keep track of these for this session.

16:45 Breakout Groups (30 minutes)

17:15 Group Reports and Discussion (35 minutes)

  • What did your group conclude?
  • What were your top takeaway points?

Our live illustrator from Ink Factory, Emma Wimberly, will capture and synthesize key points in real time during the reporting and ensuing discussions. We will also take notes in our private workspace.

17:50 Summary of the last two days and next steps (10 minutes) Don Haas