Workshop Overview

To address the future research goals of scientific ocean drilling, particular attention needs to be given to preparing and broadening the next generation of the scientific workforce. This will involve: (1) building greater awareness of Scientific Ocean Drilling-related career opportunities; (2) developing and compiling Scientific Ocean Drilling-science-related educational resources; (3) creating opportunities for undergraduate research that involves Scientific Ocean Drilling data and samples; (4) providing professional development for college and university STEM faculty and K-12 teachers; (5) identifying and adopting effective mentoring strategies for graduate students, postdocs, and tenure-track faculty; and (6) expanding training programs (e.g., short courses and workshops) to further develop critical scientific and transdisciplinary skills.

The purpose of this workshop is to share ideas and consider strategies on how to move forward in each of these areas.


This workshop will be divided into two sessions: Session 1 will address topics 1-3, and Session 2 will address topics 4-6 described in the overview above. Each session will be structured in the following way:

  • The first hour will be dedicated to topic overviews from invited presenters, with a chance for the audience to pose questions.
  • The second hour, we will split into breakout groups organized by the topics above. Participants will have the opportunity to rank topical interests for breakout group assignment prior to the session.
  • The third hour will be dedicated to breakout group reporting and whole group discussion. We will encourage discussion towards creation of a list of priorities to consider at a synthesis follow-up INVEST meeting in the Fall. We hope that the lively discussion will be captured by an illustrator to give us a visual representation of our thoughts.

Driving Questions

The two sessions on preparing the next generation of the Scientific Ocean Drilling workforce will explore a range of aspects relating to how scientific ocean drilling can best support education, training, accessibility, and retention of students and early career researchers across the Earth sciences. The answers to these questions will be the recommendations we take forward to the main INVEST workshop in the Fall:

  • How can we build greater awareness of Scientific Ocean Drilling-related career opportunities, especially for marginalized communities in STEM?
  • How can we expand, develop, compile and better promote Scientific Ocean Drilling-science-related educational resources?
  • How can professional development be better designed to develop critical scientific and transdisciplinaryskills for all educators?
  • What are the best accessible practices for creating and expanding opportunities for undergraduate research that involves Scientific Ocean Drilling data and samples?
  • What are effective mentoring strategies for graduate students, postdocs, and tenure-track faculty within Scientific Ocean Drilling; and how can we expand on effective mentoring in the community, especially for marginalized communities in STEM?
  • How can we effectively expand training programs (e.g., short courses and workshops) for scientists involved with Scientific Ocean Drilling research?


Session 1: August 2nd 15:00 - 18:00 Eastern

Session 2: August 4th 15:00 - 18:00 Eastern

Participants are expected to attend both sessions.


A few weeks prior to the first session participants will be contacted to:

  • Provide a ranking of their top three breakout discussions topics
  • Answer a small survey, with a question relating to each of the workshop topics, such as:
    • What careers are you aware of within the umbrella of Scientific Ocean Drilling?
    • What Scientific Ocean Drilling-related educational resources do you use or are aware of?
    • What models can you recommend as professional opportunities that enhance educators scientific and transdisciplinary skills either within Scientific Ocean Drilling or other Earth Science programs?
    • What barriers do you feel currently prevent using Scientific Ocean Drilling data or samples in undergraduate research?
    • What mentoring opportunities are you aware of either in Scientific Ocean Drilling or in other Earth Science programs?
    • Have you ever applied to, or been on, any courses or workshops that develop critical thinking or transdisciplinary skills, and if so what were the most useful points you took away?

During the workshop, participants will:

  • Actively participate (collaborate and engage in discussions) in all sessions.

After the workshop, participants are expected to:

  • Participate in reviewing and commenting on a synthesis paper produced from the workshop.
  • Consider applying for participation in the in-person workshop (tentatively scheduled for Fall 2021)


There are no costs associated with the two virtual workshops on Aug 2nd and 4th - only your time and willingness to engage in discussion.

Audience and Selection Criteria

We are seeking a diverse group of participants, those who are familiar with scientific ocean drilling programs and those who are not, folks from a range of career levels and experience, and folks who have or currently are part of organizations/workplaces/functions that have a links to education and preparing the next generation of Earth scientists (including Scientific Ocean Drilling scientists).

Depending on the number of applications received, decisions about who will attend will be made based on assembling a diverse group to ensure we capture as many points of view as possible. If you are unable to join these sessions, we encourage you to sign up for the full workshop in the Fall 2021 where we will discuss all consensus statements and action ideas coming from the three thematic workshops.


This virtual workshop will take place on Zoom, and will be supported with interactive online resources. Links for the sessions will be sent to confirmed registrants.

For More Information

For more information, please contact Carol Cotterill: or Adriane Lam: