Describe a degree program in Earth science and teaching

Please use this form to describe your degree program in Earth science for future teachers. This may include variety of options, such as:

  • A secondary science teaching major (BA or BS) in Earth science,
  • A BA or BS degree in Earth science that is meant to be paired with a professional education program or a post-baccalaureate certification program,
  • A minor in Earth science for teaching or education majors,
  • An MS or MAT in Earth science teaching.

We are especially interested in how your program integrates geoscience content and skills, approaches recruitment and retention of students, how your program is tied to other departments on campus, and how these efforts are paying off. What do you see as the keys to success for your programs?
When you have completed this form, our staff will use your responses to make a web page for your program that is something like this profile of the Jackson State University (opens in a new window).

Complete the following form and click on SUBMIT to submit your information. Be sure to hit the SUBMIT button before leaving this page, or your information will be lost. You may wish to compose your answers to the longer questions in a word processor and to cut and paste the resulting text into this form. Also, you may want to look through the form before beginning to fill it out, to make sure that you have all of the information you'll need at your fingertips.

Note that after you submit your form you can edit, refine and update it via your SERC account. Instructions for that will appear after you submit this form.

Please enter the name of your degree program and a short description here. Provide a link to website if one exists.


Please provide a sentence summarizing the key aspects to your program's success in: integrating geoscience content and skills into the curriculum, recruiting, supporting and preparing students in the program, and networking with the community. You will be asked for more detailed information below.

More Detail

Now please provide more detail about the different aspects of recruiting, supporting, and preparing students that you summarized above. In each area, provide one or two paragraphs about each of the key aspects you listed.

Additional Materials and Information

If you have additional information or materials that you would like to share, please include them in the text area or as uploaded files.