
On behalf of the Sustainable Rivers program at the University of South Dakota and the InTeGrate project, we thank you for taking the time to share information about your teaching and experiences with the InTeGrate implementation program at your site. Your responses will help us make improvements to the project and give us a better understanding of the experience of faculty with their InTeGrate implementation site project.

This survey is part of InTeGrate, a five-year initiative aimed at improving undergraduate education and preparing students for a workforce that contributes to a sustainable future. InTeGrate is funded by the National Science Foundation (DUE – 1125331). More information about InTeGrate can be found at the InTeGrate website.

The survey has questions in three sections, including:

(1) Collaboration and learning about teaching

(2) InTeGrate-related course

(3) InTeGrate influences

The results from this survey will help inform papers, presentations, reports and website postings about the InTeGrate implementation program. The results will be shared with the participating implementation site institutions, InTeGrate leadership, and with a broader educational community.

We value your privacy and the confidentiality of your information. We will use your email address only to link your responses to general participant information that you have already provided to the project (such as in which activities you have participated). Unless you specifically approve otherwise, your responses will only be used to inform responses aggregated by institutional site. None of your responses will be attributed to you personally, and any quotations from open-ended questions will be used anonymously.

The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. You must complete the survey in a single sitting and select the Submit button at the bottom of the survey. Because the goals of each InTeGrate implementation site are diverse, some questions may not apply to your experience.

1. How do you learn about new teaching methods? Check all that apply

2. How frequently do you:

3. During the last academic term, have you communicated with colleagues in your department about the following? Check all that apply

For this next set of questions, we would like for you to think about the most recent course that you taught which was influenced by the InTeGrate implementation site program. If you taught two or more courses that apply, please pick one and answer the following questions about that course.

5. What InTeGrate-related materials were used in your course? Check all that apply.

7. In your InTeGrate-related course, please indicate how frequently you used the following teaching strategies:

9. How did InTeGrate materials impact your course's focus on these goals?

10. In your InTeGrate-related course, please indicate the types of strategies that address student attitudes, motivations, and comfort that you believe had the largest impact on student learning. Check all that have a significant impact

11. How did InTeGrate materials influence your student assessments for the course?

The following questions ask that you think about the ways that your involvement in the InTeGrate project has influenced you professionally.

12. In what ways has your experience with the InTeGrate implementation program influenced your teaching?
It has influenced the. . .

13. In what ways has your experience with the InTeGrate implementation program influenced your interactions related to teaching?
It has influenced the. . .

16. Each institution team that participated in InTeGrate used an approach that was specific to their site. Which of the following approaches by the project team were evident at your site? (check all that apply)

17. Has the InTeGrate implementation program influenced your departmental or institutional approaches to addressing the following? Check all that apply.

20. If yes, how have you used the InTeGrate website? (check all that apply)