Place-based Learning On Campus with A High-Resolution Topographic Map

A typical laboratory activity for introductory physical geology students is learning how to read and analyze landscapes with USGS topographic maps. If a local higher-resolution topographic map were used instead of a local USGS quadrangle map, students could more directly relate their learning experience to the campus landscape where their student life is centered.
For a map activity that takes students out of the classroom and around the UAB campus, I needed a topographic map of larger scale (> 1:24000) and smaller contour interval (< 10 feet) than the local 7.5 minute USGS quadrangle. I contacted a university office that maintains GIS data based on campus surveys made during construction and other activities. On my request, personnel were able to geofence an area I selected (centered on the main campus quadrangle, scale of 1:5348), overlay a scale bar and label contour lines at an interval I selected (two feet), and produce an image file that I could annotate for map activity goals.
I assigned my map as a "field" activity on campus outside of the classroom. Students installed a cell phone digital compass app for navigating among way stations. Students related visible topographic features on the campus landscape to the high-resolution topographic map on their cell phone. If assigned as an indoor activity, students analyzed a paper or online copy of the map by traditional methods.
Like other place-based activities, a high-resolution topographic campus map has the potential to increase student engagement by applying general problems of landscape analysis to familiar ground and fostering recognition of landscape features typically ignored when walking around campus (direction, distance and slope).
This activity should be replicable at other institutions with data from a facilities management office. My map and activity will be available online.