Using Peer Assessment Surveys for Small-Group Work

A quick overview of the tool where participants will complete a peer assessment survey in Qualtrics. The demonstration will be followed by a roundtable discussion based on participants' interests. I will have slides prepared with my students' feedback on peer assessments as well as my tips/points to consider when implementing peer assessment surveys and issues I'm currently troubleshooting and future refinements.
The purpose of this project was to promote and facilitate functional group work by providing feedback for students and professors using peer-assessment surveys administered after group assignments and quizzes. We created a streamlined peer-assessment survey in Qualtrics to collect feedback on an individual's contributions and their overall group dynamic. We created a Walkthough document to share customizable, ready-made peer-assessment templates for short-term group assignments/quizzes and long-term group projects, as well as provide a means of easily extracting data with minimal knowledge of Qualtrics. Also in the Walkthrough are functional tips and considerations when implementing peer-assessment surveys.
Peer-assessment surveys are employed after every group assignment and quiz for all students working in small-groups for an introductory geology course.
Why It Works
It increases accountability and engagement for students participating in group work, provides students peer feedback to help them reflect on their contributions to group work and the quality of their group dynamic and allows them to adjust their approach if necessary. Mean peer-assessment scores give quantitative data to professors and TA/LAs to assess an individual's progress and support struggling students, and short-answer feedback allows a regular, convenient avenue for students to communicate concerns privately with professors and TA/LAs. Over 3/4 of students surveyed (n = 128) recommend peer-assessment surveys be used for future group work.