
Updated for the online workshop format. All times are in PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME, the time of the originally planned Renezvous location.


8:00 Introductions and overview (10 min)

8:10 Activity - Making Meaning: Brainstorm the ingredients of a meaningful informal learning experience // Homework: MakingMeaningWorksheet.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 533kB Jul8 20), 5-10 minutes (can complete on scratch paper) (30 min) // Full activity description: MakingMeaning.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 4.6MB Jul16 20)

8:40 Activity - Personal Learning: Explore how people learn with an appreciation for different backgrounds and perspectives // Worksheet: PersonalLearningWorksheet.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 535kB Jul16 20) (30 min) // Full activity description: PersonalLearning.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 1.4MB Jul16 20) // Video: IMG_4023.MOV (Quicktime Video 42.9MB Jul17 20)

9:10 Break (10 min)

9:20 Activity - What's in a Word?: Identify jargon as a communications barrier // Worksheet: WordsWorksheet.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 608kB Jul16 20) (40 min) // Full activity description: WhatsInAWord.pdf (Acrobat (PDF) 660kB Jul16 20)

10:00 Activity - But Why?: Develop and practice elevator speeches for different audiences // Homework: ButWhy_Worksheet_0720_BBWB.docx (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 386kB Jul8 20), 10 minutes (can complete on scratch paper) (50 min) // No activity description, but you can find this worksheet and more on the UNAVCO Science Communication page

10:50 Homework assignment and road check survey (10 min)

11:00 Adjourn for the day


8:00 Overview of the day (10 min)

FULL PRESENTATION SciComm_EER_2020.pptx (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 32.1MB Jul17 20)

8:10 Special topic - Social Media: Learn and share best practices in social media for science communication, and how to navigate contentious topics in social media and beyond (50 min)

9:00 Special topic - Trust in Science Communication: How to get it, how to keep it; Activity - Points of Connection (55 min)

9:55 Break (10 min)

10:05 Special topic - Misinformation: Why it spreads and how to stop it (25 min)

10:30 Planning and discussion - Setting Goals: 1) Set personal goals: What you would like to try from this course, and what you would like to learn more about; 2) Set classroom goals: How you can incorporate science communication training into your curriculum (20 min)

10:50 Workshop evaluation (10 min)

11:00 Adjourn