How Changing Something as Simple as Test Frequency Led to Big Changes in My On-line Class
REC Center Large Ice Overlook Room
Oral Presentation Part of
Online Education: Thinking outside the box

After attending a workshop several years ago at the Charlotte GSA I was motivated to make some changes in my on-line class. A question was asked during the workshop as to why so many of us give unit test after 3-4 chapters? My only response was " that is the way it was done when I was in school and that is how I had always done it". The first change was to divide the material to be covered into 15 lessons so there would be 15 lessons with a weekly test then a midterm and final. The next change was to create a series of assignments that would take the student through a similar experience each week to prepare them for the test. These changes included having them make notes on the reading using a "What you need to know" guide. The next step includes reading notes that I have prepared with questions imbedded that help them to gauge if they understood the material. The final preparation step is typically a worksheet or series of questions that requires them to apply the material from the lesson and sometimes brining in material from previous lessons. The last step is their weekly test and reflection on what they missed. Some of the beneficial aspects of testing weekly include that students are aware immediately after that weekly lesson that they had trouble understanding the material opposed to waiting 3 or 4 weeks for a unit test. Students are able to be tested on more detailed information on each topic. Students comments have included that they do better having to study each week instead of cramming for a unit exam. These changes have been successful in my completely on-line Introductory Geology course and could also be used easily in a flipped classroom.