NASA Scientific Visualizations: Creating a Buzz in the Earth Science Classroom

Friday 2:15pm REC Center Large Ice Overlook Room


Laura Tenenbaum, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA's Global Climate Change Website ( is rich with visually stimulating animations, science video shorts, news features, scientific visualizations from recent launches, and near real time data that has enormous potential in climate science and Earth science education.

Come and "Fly along" with NASA, observe Earth from space, view NASA data-maps of carbon dioxide, sea level, global surface temperature, ice mass and more. For this theme session, we will highlight resources that support student investigations of deceasing ice mass on land.

Laura Faye Tenenbaum, education specialist for the climate communication team at JPL/NASA, and adjunct faculty at Glendale Community College will provide a live tour of the site's multimedia and interactive data assets, including Eyes on the Earth 3D, which integrates real-time satellite data in an immersive, 3D environment.

Tenenbaum will also share a handout of "Tips 'n' Tricks for Teachers: 6 ways to use NASA's Global Climate Change Website in your classroom" that gives step-by-step classroom instructions on how to incorporate NASA's Climate Time Machine, Sea Level Viewer, Images of Change, Global Ice Viewer, Climate Reel, and Eyes on the Earth 3D into classroom activities. These teaching tips have been vetted in Laura's community college oceanography and environmental science classes, where these resources serve to increase student participation, increase topic comprehension, stimulate scientific curiosity, and generate excitement through the use of cutting-edge interactive media.