Read for the Earth: Bringing Energy and Climate Education to College Students

Monday 3:30pm REC Center Large Ice Overlook Room
Oral Presentation Part of Course Design and Interactive Learning


David Blockstein, Bard College
Geoff Haines-Stiles, Passport to Knowledge
A new NSF-funded project with NCSE and P2K is directed towards improving student learning about energy and climate through First Year Reading programs or earth education classrooms. The project uses a package of curricular resources centered on the PBS series "EARTH: The Operators' Manual" (ETOM) and the accompanying book by award-winning geoscientist and communicator, Richard Alley. See

Each of the three programs has its own page:

Our goal is to deliver a suite of materials that can be used by schools that require all first year students to read a single book on critically important topics to promote interaction and engagement among and between their first-year cohorts.

The content is also suitable for subsets of students such as students in honors programs and in interdisciplinary courses.

Our package of climate change education resources and materials includes:
1.The book "EARTH: The Operators' Manual" (ETOM), provided at a discount by the publisher, to be used as either a required text or optional reading for first year students.
2.Segments and clips from the PBS ETOM series (hosted by Richard Alley).
3.Special opportunities for cyber-enabled and live interactions with Dr. Alley via webinar, Google Hangout on Air, or other emerging technologies.
4.Option to take the Penn State/Coursera Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), "Energy, The Environment, and Our Future", taught by Dr. Alley and offered through Penn State
5.Access to thousands of high quality encyclopedia style articles and other information about a wide range of climate change science and solutions through the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation E-Learning (CAMEL) web resource
6.Additional digital content such as an e-book version of ETOM, energy-saving apps and podcasts available through both CAMEL and P2K/GHSPi
7.Interaction between students at different schools through the ETOM Facebook site and other social media.

Presentation Media

Earth: the Operators' Manual preview video ( 81.5MB Jul12 15)
Blockstein ETOM presentation (PowerPoint PRIVATE FILE 27.7MB Jul12 15)
Teresa Newberry presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) PRIVATE FILE 5.4MB Jul12 15)