Before The Workshop
- Complete the Pre-program Survey by July 8, 2015
- Bring your favorite diagram or definition for what you consider to be an appropriate working definition of sustainability.
- Bring a list of potential partners from your campus and off-campus communities
- Bring Laptop
Thursday July 16, 2015
(08:30 - 08:45) Icebreaker and Introductions IceBreaker and Introductions Summer 2015 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 339kB Jun17 15)
(08:45 - 09:15) A Gallery Walk to Clarify Sustainability. Participants will post their favorite diagram or definition of sustainability. This will be followed by a stroll around the room through which they will look for common themes and concepts that they observe. Groups will form and individual information will be synthesized, followed by a large group discussion of sustainability.
(09:15 - 10:00)Group people based on where they want to infuse sustainability for a discussion. Identify and articulate opportunities.
Product: Email short statement of your goal to Walt with subject line Group # Goal at
(10:00 - 10:15) Break
(10:15 - 10:45) Presentation [What is Sustainability (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.3MB Jul15 15) 'What is Sustainability']
(10:45 - 11:15) Identify specific objectives for the development of an action plan on Friday. Two-minutes reports from each group on what they have learned and where they will be going. Email to Walt.
(11:15 - 11:30) Tour of InTeGrate Resources Sustainability Resources (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 3.4MB Jul15 15)
Homework Assignment: Locate a relevant resource from InTeGrate or other resources related to your goal. email your link to Walt. Be prepared to tell the group in one minute or less, what it is and why it is useful.
Checkpoint and adjourn
Friday July 17, 2015
(08:30 - 08:45) Visit Checkpoint Responses
(08:45 - 09:15) Report out on your resource and its relevance to achieving your goal.
(09:15 to 10:30) Reconvene working groups. Group action plan development including break. Use the: Action plan template (Microsoft Word 27kB Jun17 15)
(10:30 - 11:15) Report out to the large group action plans and upload action plans to our private workspace.
(11:15 - 11:30) Final words and Program Assessment