In-class review: folds
Short in-class review question about using given strike and dip information to classify a fold. Stereonets used.
upper-level structural geology class
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
plotting strike & dip on a stereonet to determine fold axis, interlimb angles & cylindricity
fold classification schemes
ability to visualize strike & dip in 3D
understanding of rock competencies
fold classification schemes
ability to visualize strike & dip in 3D
understanding of rock competencies
How the activity is situated in the course
I've used these both as a quick review at the start of the class after fold classification schemes were discussed (the other material was covered earlier in the semester) and as an in-class quiz. Basically, these are meant to check & make sure students understand the material we just covered.
Content/concepts goals for this activity
deformation mechanisms
kinematic analysis
manipulation of data on a stereonet
kinematic analysis
manipulation of data on a stereonet
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
analysis of data
visualization of data in 3D
visualization of data in 3D
Other skills goals for this activity
Description and Teaching Materials
Single sheet that I give to students to work on for 5-10 minutes at the beginning of class. Students should have access to stereonets in order to complete the problems.
Review -- folds (Microsoft Word 33kB Jun18 12)Teaching Notes and Tips
I tend to encourage the students to work on the sheets alone to start with and then discuss the results as a group and let the students correct one another. I find that question 4 throws them almost every time.
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I check verbally to see if all the students (its a small class <8) understand the correct answers and how they were derived. A similar problem was placed on the final, which checked retention over the course of the semester.