Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum Program

Initial Publication Date: June 16, 2012

June 11-18, 2012, Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts

Organizing committee: Paul Karabinos, Basil Tikoff, Richard Becker, Yvette Kuiper, Phil Resor, and Matty Mookerjee

This NSF-sponsored Forum brought together over 100 structural geologists to discuss important areas of research in structural geology, to share current research, and to take part in field trips and workshops. You can find more information about the 2012 Forum at the Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum web page. The next Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum will be hosted by the Colorado School of Mines during the summer of 2014.

The purpose of this web page is allow those presenters at the Forum who wish to do so to make their presentations available to people who could not attend the Forum.

Note: This page is incomplete and under construction. As workshop presenters submit their poster and PowerPoint files, we will link them to their titles below.

Thursday, June 14: morning sessions

Advances in Dating Deformation and Metamorphism

Mike Williams, UMass, Amherst, and Emily Peterman, Bowdoin College, presiding


Recent advances in monazite petrochronology by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) (John Cottle, UC-Santa Barbara)


Linking deformation and metamorphism (Mike Williams, UMass, Amherst)

Geochronology and thermochronology in high grade rocks and shear zones – advantages of targeted use of multiple isotopic systems and isotopic disequilibrium (Sarah Roeske, UC-Davis)


Advances in constraining the timing of deformation and metamorphism: Salinic through Acadian transpressional tectonics in the Central Appalachians (Acrobat (PDF) 3.5MB Jun19 12) (Howell Bosbyshell, West Chester University)

Evaluating viscous magnetic overprints for dating recent tectonic and geomorphic events (Juliet Crider, University of Washington)

Dating of folds, a new approach in the timing and rates of deformation in fold-thrust belt wedges (Elisa Fitz-Diaz, University of Michigan)

Formation of Precambrian Dome-and-Keel Structure (Stephen Marshak, University of Illinois and Fernando F. Alkmim, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil)

Structure of the Central Skagit Gneiss Complex, North Cascades, Washington (Zachary Michels, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Using monazite (U-Th)/He to date deformation near the brittle-ductile transition (Emily Peterman, Bowdoin College)

Timing lower crustal fabric development: Cora Lake shear zone, Western Churchill Province (Sean Regan, UMass, Amherst)

Primary and Secondary Fabrics in Archean Greenstone Belts (Aeron Vaillancourt, McGill University)

The Jones Corner fault zone, south-central Maine: A polyphase history of shearing, and seismicity (David West, Middlebury College)

Thursday, June 14: afternoon sessions

Deformation and Rheology- Experiments, Models, and Field Studies

Chris Gerbi, University of Maine and Michele Cooke, UMass, Amherst, presiding


What Lab Experiments, Modeling, and Observations Do and Don't Tell Us About San Andreas Fault-Zone Deformation from 0-30 Km Deep (Terry Tullis, Brown University)


Rheologic information determined from naturally deformed interlayered phyllites and quartzites (Dyanna Czeck, Wisconsin–Milwaukee)

Contrasting Taconian thin- and Alleghanian thick-skinned nappe mechanics at the Pennsylvanian end of the northern Appalachians (Don Wise, UMass, Amherst)

Overprinted deformations along a strike-slip, serpentine-rich fault system in the Twin Sisters Ultramafic Massif, Washington (Julie Newman, Texas A&M)


The Marmion Shear Zone: A kinematic study of an Archean terrane boundary(Nils Backeberg, McGill University)

Deformation Paths from Sandbox Experiments(Mark Brandon, Keith Ma, Wendy de Wolf, and Chris Thissen, Yale University)

The effect of microstructure and rheological heterogeneity on kinematics and bulk strength in porphyroblastic schists (Acrobat (PDF) 9.7MB Jun21 12) (Ben Frieman, University of Maine)

Impact of shear zone distribution in the middle to lower crust (Acrobat (PDF) 1.3MB Jun19 12)(Christopher Gerbi, University of Maine)

Probing rock mechanical properties of fault zones: A field-based structural geology approach (Acrobat (PDF) 8.4MB Jun22 12) (W. Ashley Griffith, University of Akron)

Deformation Structures in Natural-Scale Experimental Lava Flows (Jeffrey Karson and Bob Wysocki, Syracuse University)

Fault propagation, exhumation and triangle zones in analog models of thrust wedges: influence of syntectonic erosion and sedimentation (Acrobat (PDF) 1.3MB Jun19 12) (Elena Konstantinovskaya, INRS-ETE)

The movies are available with these two published papers:

  1. Konstantinovskaya E., and Malavieille J., 2011. Thrust wedges with décollement levels and syntectonic erosion: A view from analogue models. Tectonophysics, 502: 336–350. (erosion, two décollements)
  2. Konstantinovskaia E.A. and Malavieille J., 2005. Erosion and exhumation in accretionary orogens: Experimental and geological approaches. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G Cubed), 6 (2): 1525-2027 (erosion, one décollement and antiformal stack)
  3. Konstantinovskaya E.A., Rodriguez D., Kirkwood D., Harris L.B., and Thériault R., 2009. Effects of basement structure, sedimentation and erosionon thrust wedge geometry: an example from the Quebec Appalachians and analogue models. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 57 (1): 34–62. (syntectonic erosion and sedimentation, no movies)

The structure of a shear zone at the base of the seismogenic zone, Norumbega fault system, Maine (Nancy Price, University of Maine)

Three-dimensional micro-roughness of a pseudotachylyte-bearing fault surface(Phil Resor, Wesleyan University)

Fault rock injections record paleo-earthquakes (Acrobat (PDF) 18.3MB Jun28 12) (Christie Rowe, McGill University)

Published article in EPSL also available.

Friday, June 15: morning sessions

Observing and Interpreting Deformation across Multiple Timescales

Jack Loveless, Smith College, and Phil Resor, Wesleyan University, presiding


From decades to epochs: why geophysical data are too valuable to leave to the geophysicists(Rick Allmendinger, Cornell)


Comparing geologic and geodetic rates of deformation in actively deforming systems: an example from the San Andreas Fault System in central California (Sarah Titus, Carleton College)

The mechanical response of glacially eroded wedges: implications for southern Alaska(Saad Haq, Purdue)


Permanent Forearc Extension and Seismic Segmentation: Insights from the 2010 Maule Earthquake, Chile (Acrobat (PDF) 5.8MB Jun28 12)(Felipe Aron, Cornell University)

Seismic-Driven Aseismic Growth of a Fold and Thrust Belt(William Barnhart, Cornell University)

Did Deglacial Unloading Reactivate the Lost Lakes Fault, a Brittle Structure in the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite, Sierra Nevada, USA? (Acrobat (PDF) 11.8MB Jun19 12) (Richard Becker, University of Wisconsin-Madison; David Greene, Denison University; Basil Tikoff, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Are trenches and GPS stations observing representative fault slip rates?(Michele Cooke, UMass, Amherst; Phil Resor, Wesleyan University; Scott T. Marshall, Appalachian State University)

Resolving Discrepancies Between Permanent GPS-Derived and Geologic Slip Rates in Southern California (Justin Herbert, UMass, Amherst)

Interpreting interseismic deformation with elastic block models(Jack Loveless, Smith College)

Response of a thrust belt to the onset of glacial erosion in the Patagonia Andes (Keith Ma, Yale University)

Trinidad/Tobago Neotectonics from GPS (Zip Archive 4.3MB Jun19 12)(John Weber, Grand Valley State University)

Friday, June 15: afternoon sessions

Visualization Enhancements in Structural Geology Education

Tim Shipley, Temple University, and Barbara Tewksbury, Hamilton College, presiding


How people perceive and remember spatiotemporal events: from real-time toward geologic time (Acrobat (PDF) 21.1MB Jun19 12) (Jeff Zacks, Washington University)

Wohlschlager apparent motion movie (Quicktime Video 5kB Jun19 12)


A framework for classifying spatial gestures (Kinnari Atit, Temple University)

Teaching structural geology with SketchUp (Paul Karabinos, Williams College)


The Purcell Thrust, Canadian Rocky Mountain Trench: a future Google Earth model (Katherine Boggs, Mount Royal University)

Can iPads bring field camp to the 21st century (Steve Hurst, University of Illinois)

FRY3D: a new educational open-source computer tutorial designed for the collection, manipulation, and visualization of three-dimensional strain data at the undergraduate level (Acrobat (PDF) 7.3MB Jun19 12) (Jeffrey Webber and Keith A. Klepeis, University of Vermont)

Biemsderfer Plotter (Acrobat (PDF) 42kB Jun26 12) - this is the actual plotter. Suggestions for use and teaching can be found in Wise, Donald, 2005, Biemsderfer Plotter for field recording of structural measurements on equal area nets: J. Str. Geol, v. 27, 823 - 826. PowerPoint (PowerPoint 3.3MB Jun21 12) showing the progression from outcrop filed notes and plot to a finished diagram using a Biemsderfer plotter.

Saturday, June 16: morning sessions

Quantifying Strain and Strain Rates

Matty Mookerjee, Sonoma State, and Steve Wojtal, Oberlin College, presiding


Layer parallel shortening across the Sevier Fold-Thrust Belt and Laramide Foreland of Wyoming: spatial and temporal evolution of a complex geodynamic system (Arlo Weil, Bryn Mawr College)

Estimating strain and strain rates from faulting along the El Salvador Volcanic Arc (Basil Tikoff, University of Wisconsin, Madison)

A study of contradictions: lithology and strain-path partitioning in a complex high-strain zone (Bill Sullivan, Colby College)

Computational and statistical techniques for ellipsoidal inclusions, and application to Western Idaho Shear Zone (Josh Davis, Carleton College)

Three-dimensional strain analysis using Mathematica (Acrobat (PDF) 7.7MB Jun19 12) (Matty Mookerjee, Sonoma State)


Chung Huang poster (Acrobat (PDF) 733kB Jun28 12) 'Active deformation of a trishear fold in the slate belt of southern Taiwan'] (Chung Huang, University of Connecticut)

Contrasting patterns of deformation, strain partitioning, and compositional variation in the upper mantle lithosphere: insights from the Dun Mountain Ophiolite Belt (South Island, New Zealand) (Seth Kruckenberg; University of Wisconsin-Madison; Basil Tikoff, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Virginia G. Toy, University of Otago; Eric D. Stewart, Texas A&M University; Julie Newman, Texas A&M University)

Fault plane earthquake focal mechanisms: a structural geologist's perspective (Yvette Kuiper, Colorado School of Mines)

Current Research on the Palmer Zone of Transpression, Central Massachusetts (Matt Massey, Dave Moecher, Tom Walker, and Tim O'Brien, University of Kentucky)

Titanium in naturally and experimentally deformed quartz (William Nachlas, University of Minnesota)

Geology of the Wolf Creek Fault Zone, in the Ste. Genevieve Fault System, southern Illinois (Acrobat (PDF) 3.6MB Jun22 12) (Mary Seid, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Polygonal patterns and desert eyes: reconnaissance study of unusual fold and fault structures in Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary limestones of the Western Desert, Egypt (Acrobat (PDF) 10.3MB Jun18 12) (Barbara Tewksbury, Hamilton College; Simon Kattenhorn, University of Idaho; Elhamy Tarabees, Damanhour University; John Hogan, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Carolyn Tewksbury-Christle, United States Air Force; David Saint-Jacques, Canadian Space Agency)

X-Ray Microtomography and Autocorrelation as a Fast New Technique to Measure 3D Finite Strain (Christopher Thissen, Yale University)

Practical application of hyperboloidal projections to field-based finite strain analysis, automatic contouring, and their relationship to polar and Rf/Ï- strain graphs (Frederick Vollmer, SUNY-New Paltz)

Relating late, sinistral fault zones to the general-shearing, dextral transgression displacement field in the borderlands of the San Andreas Fault, Durmid Hill, CA (Steven Wojtal, Oberlin College)

Saturday, June 16: afternoon sessions

Core Complexes and Extension

Chuck Bailey, College of William & Mary, and John Singleton, University of Texas, Austin, presiding


Deep mantle flow as a driver of global to local tectonics(Dave Rowley, University of Chicago)


Oceanic core complexes and detachment faults: can you have one without the other? (Acrobat (PDF) 2.8MB Jun22 12) (Tim Schroeder, Bennington College)

Metamorphic core complexes: what is the role of pre-Miocene events in their tectonic evolution? (Martin Wong, Colgate University)


Deformation paths in metamorphic core complexes (Chuck Bailey, College of William & Mary)

Arc-parallel strain in a short rollback-subduction system: the structural evolution of the Crotone Basin (northeastern Calabria, Southern Italy) (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.9MB Jun19 12) (Margaret Reitz, Columbia University)

Structural evolution of the Buckskin-Rawhide metamorphic core complex, west-central Arizona (John Singleton, University of Texas, Austin)

History and kinematics of a mantle shear zone formed during forearc extension in the mantle wedge, Red Hills ultramafic massif, New Zealand (Eric Stewart, Texas A&M University)

Evaluating structural models for a tectonically-controlled basin using detrital zircon provenance analysis: the Hornelen Basin and UHP exhumation(John Templeton, Columbia University)

Results of geophysical survey of the seabed inside the area of the polygon eastern Gulf of Mexico, Sigsbee 11 (Sandra Valle, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)

Tracking the exhumation of deep crust using P-T-t-d paths: a method to assess gneiss dome formation(Jennifer Wright, University of Minnesota)

Field trips and workshops


Analog Experiments (Michele Cooke and Saad Haq)

Dating Tectonic Events using Monazite/Xenotime (Mike Williams, Mike Jercinovic, and Emily Peterman)

Google Earth Workshop (Declan De Paor and Carol Simpson) Workshop notes (Acrobat (PDF) 18kB Jun19 12); also the Digital Planet website

Digital Field Data Acquisition Systems (Terry Pavlis, University of Texas, El Paso) | ArcPad Tutorial (Microsoft Word 1MB Jun16 12) | Additional files for the workshop (Zip Archive 66.3MB Jun17 12)

Strain Programs (Matty Mookerjee and Fred Vollmer)

Field trips

Eastern Massachusetts Terranes(Yvette Kuiper and Joe Kopera)

The Hudson Valley Fold and Thrust Belt (Acrobat (PDF) 1.6MB Jun18 12) (Steve Marshak and Yvette Kuiper)

The Berkshire Massif (Paul Karabinos)

The Taconic Slate Belt of VT and NY (Jean Crespi)

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