Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse, Utah: Case Example
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
How the activity is situated in the course
Content/concepts goals for this activity
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
Other skills goals for this activity
Description and Teaching Materials
Students read a description of the event plus background information on room-and-pillar mining. They predict the orientation and type of fractures that could result in pillar failure, and they use a focal mechanism for the Crandall Canyon event to evaluate whether an earthquake caused the collapse or the collapse caused ground shaking. The focal mechanism is unlike any that they have seen before because it is not a double-couple solution; all first motions are down.
Assignment for Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse case example (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 564kB May9 12)Teaching Notes and Tips
References and Resources
Pechmann, James C., Arbasz, Walter J., Pankow, Relu Burlacu, and McCarter, Michael K., 2008, Seismological report on the 6 August 2007 Crandall Canyon Mine collapse in Utah: Seismological Research Letters, v. 79, no. 5, p. 620-636.
Seismic Moment Tensor Report for the 06 Aug 2007, M3.9 Seismic event in central Utah:
Map of the Crandall Canyon Mine:
Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse FAQs:
Earthquakes within 3 km of the Mine:
Crandall Canyon Mine collapse update:
Campoli, Alan A., Kertis, Carla A., and Goode, Claude, 1987, Coal mine bumps: five case studies in the eastern Unites States: USGS Information Circular 9149, 39 p.
Arabasz, W.J., Nava, S.J., McCarter, M.K., Pankow, K.L., Pechmann, J.C., Ake, J., and McGarr, A., 2005, Coal-mining seismicity and ground-shaking hazard: a case study in the Trail Mountain area, Emery County, Utah: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, v. 95, no,. 2, p. 18-30.