This post was edited by Donald Reed on Jun, 2010
The number of online courses at my university has grown significantly since 1998, and continues to grow, but still composes on a few percent of the total classes offered each semester. We offer three online courses in Geology Department, all in the GE category.
I offered the first online course at my university in fall of 1998 and more than 5000 students have completed my online course over the past 12 years.
The vast majority of my teaching during the academic year (7 out of 8 classes) is online and I also teach multiple sections of my online oceanography concurrently in the winter intersession and summer sessions, as well as in special sessions during the academic year.
I am migrating my courses for majors (Tectonics, Geophysics, and Marine Geology) into a hybrid format, consisting of one class meeting each week and one web-based exercise, usually video lecture podcast, web-based research experience or electronic discussion. This August I will teach a course in a new fully online Global Studies degree program offered through several CSU campuses through an accelerated special session.
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