Donald Reed
San Jose State University
Website Content Contributions
Activity (1)
Course Information Survey part of Online Teaching:Activities for Teaching Online
This activity is a brief quiz to be completed at beginning of course that provides information to instructor about the internet access and computer resources of each student as well as assesses whether student has ...
Learn more about this review process.
Course (1)
General Oceanography part of Online Teaching:Online Courses
This course focuses on the scientific examination of the impact of the oceans on global society, and human impacts on the oceans, through web-based exercises, bulletin board discussions, and field studies of local ...
Other Contributions (2)
NanTroSEIZE in 3-D part of MARGINS Data in the Classroom:MARGINS Mini-Lessons
NanTroSEIZE 3-D is a online virtual voyage based on a seismic survey to study the plate boundary and seismogenic zone off Japan. The virtual voyage comes in two versions, one for use in lower division general education geoscience courses and the other in upper division geology courses in tectonics, marine geology and geophysics.
The Next Decade of The Seismogenic Zone Experiment - Video Presentation Podcasts part of MARGINS Data in the Classroom:MARGINS Mini-Lessons
Video podcasts of presentations from The Next Decade of the Seismogenic Zone Experiment Workshop
NAGT Webinar Series Interest
GeoPRISMS Interest Community
GETSI Community
SAGE Musings
GETSI Interest Group
MARGINS Teaching Materials Interest Group
Teach the Earth
Workshop Leader
Workshop Participant
June 2013 2010 Workshop: Teaching Geoscience Online
June 2010 PresenterOcean System 2005
July 2005 Presenter