Geodesy Other Educational Resources

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Measure a Changing Volcano
This hands-on demonstration illustrates how GPS can be used to measure the inflation and deflation of a volcano. Volcanoes may inflate when magma rises closer to the surface and deflate when the pressure dissipates or after an eruption.

Alaska Earthquakes & Tsunami Presentation
Robert Butler (ANGLE Project)
This lecture and associated animations delve in more deeply to the topic of Alaskan earthquakes and tsunami along with their causes and variability. It also draws on EarthScope GPS and seismic data to show how we can study earth processes to better understand Alaskan geohazards. It highlights case study sites of Whittier and Seward during the 1964 Alaska Mag 9.2 earthquake to show how differences in location, topography, and land use can lead to different tsunami experiences in different communities. give a good introduction to tsunami produced by earthquakes and landslides. It includes information on how they are generated and why there can be great variability between tsunami characteristics--even for earthquakes of similar size. The lecture describes tsunami generated by the in particular depth.

Alaskan Volcanoes & Hazards Presentation
This lecture and associated animations give a basic introduction to Alaskan volcanoes, volcanic hazards, and volcano monitoring.

Plate Motion Calculator
The Plate Motion Calculator calculates tectonic plate motion at any location on Earth using one or more plate motion models.

GPS Velocity Viewer
This interactive tool allows users to see GPS/GNSS-measured crustal motions around the globe in a wide range of reference frames. The default view shows horizontal motions in the North American reference frame but users can choose to add vertical motions, earthquakes epicenters, plate boundaries, volcanic centers, or other reference frames. The tool can also be used as an interface to learn GPS/GNSS station names and download time series data.

Geoid Height Calculator
The Geoid Height Calculator returns the geoid height at the latitude and longitude specified by the user. The geoid is one approximation of Earth's shape due to gravity, roughly coinciding with mean sea level. Because the inside of our planet is non-uniform, gravity is not constant at the surface. If Earth were completely covered in an ocean, the water would swell over gravity highs (where there is more mass below the surface) and depress in areas of gravity lows (where there is less mass below the surface). The geoid approximates this hypothetical ocean surface, representing a geopotential surface. To think of it another way, if we were able to walk on the geoid, we would experience a constant value of gravity.

Field Trip Guide: The 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami--Consequences of Living on the Leading Edge in Alaska
Robert Witter (ANGLE Project)
This is a guide to a field trip that visits sites in Anchorage, Girdwood, and Whittier Alaska. The focus of the trip is the understand the science and societal impacts of the 1964 Alaska Mag 9.2 earthquake as well as the ongoing EarthScope research on geohazards to help us better plan for future events. Participants practice a tsunami evacuation walk as way to foster discussion of preparedness actions and challenges.

Exploring the Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data
Skip to Main ContentSkip to Navigation Login root > > Exploring the Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data Exploring the Applications of Synthetic ...

Exploring the Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data
Exploring the Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data This DataSheet was prepared by Aleshia Mueller in collaboration with Charles Burrows, Claude Duguay, Melanie Engram, Carlos Rios, ...

What is Geodesy?

Overview of what traditional geodesy is, including descriptions of geoid, ellipsoid, datum, gravity, and GPS (global positioning system). Appropriate for high school or lower division college ...