Initial Publication Date: November 3, 2011

Contribute Geodesy Educational Materials

The educational materials in Teaching Geodesy section of the Teach the Earth have been contributed by faculty, geodesy-related projects, and SERC and UNAVCO staff. Please help us in our efforts to distribute quality teaching materials by sharing activities that you have created or references that you use. Your contributions will help make these collections rich and diverse, and we encourage you to add the resources that you have developed or the tools that you use.

  • Contribute an activity (such as projects, assignments or lab activities). You will be asked several questions about how you use the teaching activity and you will be able to upload your related files.
  • Contribute an educational resource (such as demonstration, lecture, or web references). You will be asked several questions about how the resource can best be used and will be able to upload any related files.
  • Describe your course about geodesy. You will be asked about the format, goals, content and assessment of your course, and you can upload your syllabus and other materials.

The Teaching Geodesy site was developed and is being maintained in conjunction with EarthScope Consortium (previously called UNAVCO) with funding provided by grants from the National Science Foundation.