Crafting a Sustainability Message
This activity asks students to develop text for a descriptive information board or kiosk to be placed at Growing Places Farm and Energy Park, a educational facility for at-risk youth.
This activity is part of an undergraduate course in sustainable communities. Graduate students will be asked to evaluate undergraduate work, participate in edits, and work with site managers to produce and place the materials in a kiosk. Graduate and undergraduate students will be asked to reflect on their learning and write a summary of the experience.
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
Skills: Research on sustainable energy and local conditions
Concepts: The role of education in promoting community sustainability and health
Concepts: The role of education in promoting community sustainability and health
How the activity is situated in the course
This activity will occur in Week 7 of a ten week session. It will be one of the culminating experiences embedded in a series of hands-on activities. Service learning will be evaluated both as a learning activity for students and the role of service learning in community sustainability.
Content/concepts goals for this activity
Community assessment and local sustainability; education and at-risk youth mentoring
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
Patterns and relationships in local communities engaged in social capital development
Other skills goals for this activity
Research, writing, ecological relationships, interview and listening skills, participation in community projects such as local food banks and mentoring projects
Description of the activity/assignment
Students will do background reading and research local energy production, historical patterns, and alternative energy possibilities for this area. Their task is to create a display board that can convey their research and promote education about local energy production to k-12 students. The message must also convey opportunities for youth in energy-related fields by staying in school.
Determining whether students have met the goals
The students will evaluate themselves by comparing team products and combining the best elements of all team products to create a final message board.
More information about assessment tools and techniques.Teaching materials and tips
- Activity Description/Assignment: Learning Activity for Sustainable Communities (Microsoft Word 27kB May11 09)