Share your classroom activity or assignment

To participate in this (optional) session, read and follow the instructions below, and upload your activity by May 20.

Sharing and reviewing teaching activities and assignments are great ways to grow and learn as an educator. The information that you provide in the boxes will be used to create a cover sheet describing your activity. You will also need to upload the actual assignment (at the bottom of this form) in addition to describing it.

Please choose an activity/assignment with a scope where it can be completed in one class, in one lab, or as one homework assignment. The activity itself should not be longer than 2 pages in length. If you have a longer activity in mind, then pick a segment of it that you want to share and review during this session. We have set this length limit because we want to maximize the feedback quality you receive during the session. During the activity/assignment review session, the longer the time required for other participants to read your activity, the shorter the time they will have to give feedback.

At the workshop, all submitted activities will be reviewed in small groups. We will provide copies of the actual assignment/activity and of the cover sheet created from the information you enter in the boxes. During the workshop, you will receive feedback on these based on questions from a rubric (Microsoft Word 37kB Mar10 14). After the workshop and after you try out your teaching activity, you will have the option to turn this cover sheet into a web page on your teaching activity, to share it as part of the SERC collection of geoscience activities.

Type of Activity (Choose all that apply:)

To help your colleagues understand when or how this activity will be used, please provide the following information on context.

To help your colleagues understand the role of this activity or assignment in your course, please provide a statement of the goals that you have for students in the following three areas:

Upload a 1 to 2 page file of the actual assignment. Word or PDF documents will be recognized automatically - if you have an unusual file type, you will need to look for the "Show Optional Fields" link in the upload box below.