
All times in Central Daylight Time.

Jump Down To: May 13 | May 20 | May 27 | June

Wednesday, May 6

Watch the Screencast

12:00 PM - Introductions and workshop logistics

2:00 PM - Adjourn

Wednesday, May 13

Watch the Screencast

12:00 PM - Recap from previous week

2:00 PM - Adjourn

Wednesday, May 20

Watch the Screencast

12:00 PM - Recap from previous weeks

2:00 Adjourn

Wednesday, May 27

Watch the Screencast

12:00 PM - Recap from previous weeks

2:00 PM - Adjourn


During the two week break in the schedule, participants should work individually or together to flesh out their new teaching activities in the CMS with an eye to presenting a finished product to the whole group during the sessions in June.

Wednesday, June 17

Watch the Screencast

12:00-2:00 Workshop participant presentations

Wednesday, June 24

Watch the Screencast

12:00-1:45 Workshop participant presentations

1:45-2:00 Workshop wrap-up, evaluation, and next steps