All times in Central Daylight Time.
Jump Down To: May 13 | May 20 | May 27 | June
Wednesday, May 6
12:00 PM - Introductions and workshop logistics
- Michael Wysession - Student Learning About Critical Issues Through the Use of Large Online Digital Data Sets (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 57.1MB May6 15)
- John Taber - Using IRIS and other seismic data resources in the classroom (PowerPoint 6.6MB May6 15)
- IRIS Combined Ground Motion Visualization - Gulf of California 2007-2013 (MP4 Video 2.8MB May6 15)
- May 5, 2015, New Britain Region, M=7.4 (MP4 Video 9.5MB May6 15)
- IRIS Earthquake Browser
- Jamaseis
- IRIS Moment Tensor Product
- Focal Mechanism Animations
- Discussion
2:00 PM - Adjourn
Wednesday, May 13
12:00 PM - Recap from previous week
- Ruth Krumhansl - Oceans of Data Institute: Integrating Data Literacy into Science Education (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 33MB May13 15)
- Beth Pratt-Sitaula - GPS and InSAR Geodesy Data for Undergraduate Courses (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 23.8MB May12 15)
- Web Resource List (Acrobat (PDF) 74kB May12 15)
- UNAVCO Velocity Viewer (Tutorial (Acrobat (PDF) 6.1MB May12 15))
- Plate Boundary Observatory H2O data portal
- InSAR Visible Earthquake
- Discussion
2:00 PM - Adjourn
Wednesday, May 20
12:00 PM - Recap from previous weeks
- Michael Wysession - Introductory Slides (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 34.6MB May20 15)
- Andrew Goodwillie - GeoMapApp
- GeoMapApp (download links on left side)
- Files for demo (Zip Archive 5.3MB May19 15)
- Saved_Session_Example (XML file 1kB May20 15)
- Ramon Arrowsmith - OpenTopography
- Discussion
2:00 Adjourn
Wednesday, May 27
12:00 PM - Recap from previous weeks
- Dan Pisut (NOAA) - Developing-Inquiry Based Earth Systems Education Activities With the NOAA View Data Exploration Tool (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 29MB May27 15)
- Liz Westby (USGS) - Forecasting Volcanic Eruptions: Practical exercises for student scientists (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 13MB May27 15)
- Volcano Seismicity Activity
- Volcano Deformation Activity
- Gas Emission Activity
- Forecasting an Eruption Activity
- VEPP: Monday Morning Meeting at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
- Recent Kilauea Status Reports, Updates, and Information Releases
- Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
- Cascades Volcano Observatory Mount St. Helens monitoring
- Steve Whittmeyer (JMU) - Effective Use of Digital Data and Visualizations in the Geoscience Classroom – Writ Large (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 108.7MB May27 15)
- Pangaea Breakup
- [link '']
- Michael Wysession - Wrap-up and charge for the work between now and June 17 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 37.5MB May27 15)
2:00 PM - Adjourn
During the two week break in the schedule, participants should work individually or together to flesh out their new teaching activities in the CMS with an eye to presenting a finished product to the whole group during the sessions in June.
Wednesday, June 17
12:00-2:00 Workshop participant presentations
- Max Berkelhammer, Is there more extreme weather? (activity)
- Maisa Rojas, Exploring Climate Change Projections using CMIP5 simulations (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 1.3MB Jun17 15)
- Brian Savage/Duayne Rieger,
- Stephany Sit, What's Going on in the Pacific Northwest? Chance for a Megathrust Earthquake (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2MB Jun17 15)
- Laura Wetzel, Portfolio Papers (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 30.6MB Jun17 15) (activity)
Wednesday, June 24
12:00-1:45 Workshop participant presentations
- Katherine Boggs, Plate Boundary Characteristics Project (PowerPoint 8.3MB Jun24 15)
- Christina Ebey, Activities and Labs for Lower Division Earth Science Students Using The IRIS Earthquake Browser (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 401kB Jun24 15)
- Jennifer Eden, Exploring the Basin and Range (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.6MB Jun24 15)
- student handout (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 4.4MB Jun24 15)
- Renee Faatz, Does Fracking cause earthquakes? (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 16.4MB Jun24 15)
- Jenn Gebelein, To Florida and Beyond! (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2MB Jun24 15)
- Tarin Weiss, GeoMap App as a tool for landscape analysis of MA in an introductory level Physical Geology course (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 7.3MB Jun24 15)
- Emily White, Integrating Climate Science Across Disciplines to Increase Climate Literacy (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 9.3MB Jun24 15)
1:45-2:00 Workshop wrap-up, evaluation, and next steps