Visualizations of Complex Systems

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Exploring El Niño
In this introductory-level lab activity, students first view a 20-minute portion of an informative video to learn about the operation of an array of moored buoys that is used to detect changes in the El Niño ...

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Using Systems Thinking to Understand the Drivers of Climate Change
This short video explains how the behavior of a stock (i.e., anything that accumulates or declines) is determined by its inflows and outflows, and how 'stock-flow' behavior underpins many of the drivers of climate change, such as the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, or the imbalance of Earth's energy budget. Similarly, understanding stock-flow behavior is critical to our own decisions about how we might address climate change (e.g., how much should emissions be reduced? how will the existing stock of our energy infrastructure influence future emissions? how might the number of people who advocate for climate action change over time?)

Weather Map Interpretation
Students participate in a Gallery Walk to combine weather variables and create weather forecasts based on four different weather maps.

Stratospheric Ozone
Students explore observational data from ozone-sondes, TOMS, and UARS measurements to learn about changes in stratospheric ozone over the past several decades. -

Ocean Circulation
Students view and analyze buoy, satellite, temperature vs. depth data to learn about ocean circulation and how is related to atmospheric circulation. -

High level architecture of earth system models

This blog entry, by professor Steve Easterbrook, provides a visual representation of climate models. Through the use of schematic diagrams, Steve attempts to aid in the understanding of climate ...

Globe Watersheds Module 1: Water Availability

The GLOBE Watershed Dynamics Module 1 GIS tool is a freely available web-based GIS. This tool allows users to analyze precipitation, evaporation, and surface runoff data across the US. Curriculum is ...

Glac Modeled Glacier Change Animation

Animation of Modeled Climate-Induced Glacier Change in Glacier National Park, 1850- 2100. The simulation reflects the predicted exponential rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, a 2xCO2 ...

Properties of the Atmosphere

This QuickTime animation, with accompanying audio, shows how temperature, pressure, and density change with increasing altitude. Whereas pressure decreases fairly uniformly with height, there are ...

Tropical Atmosphere Ocean project - data display

This site provides access to real-time oceanographic and meteorological data from approximately 70 moored buoys in the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Data types include wind, air and sea temperature, ...