Courses that Focus on Complex Systems

Results 1 - 10 of 64 matches

Global Climate Change part of Service Learning:Courses
× Consequences of global climate change already include: increased drought, heat waves, flood intensity, glacial retreat, and sea level rise. Solutions are needed to reduce human impact on our climate system ...

Modeling Earth and Environmental Systems part of Courses
In this course, students will build and use models of climatic, hydrologic, geochemical, and human systems, explore the basic concepts of systems modeling, use models to test hypotheses, and find out about the ...

Earth's Climate: Past, Present and Future part of Introductory Courses:Courses
Earth's climate has changed dramatically over its history moving between completely ice-free intervals to periods of global glaciation. This course will examine how and why these changes occurred by ...

Course profile: Oceans and Our Global Environment part of Strong Geoscience Departments:Degree Programs:Courses
Simon Brassell, Indiana University Entry level oceanography course, 71-150 students Information for this profile was provided by Simon Brassell in 2007. Information is also available on the course website.   ...

Earth and the Solar System part of Introductory Courses:Courses
This is high enrollment science course for non-science students in which we examine the evidence for how geological, biological, atmospheric, oceanic, and climatic processes work and interact here on Earth. We then ...

Principles of Environmental Geology part of Courses
This course explores the nature, dynamics and human interactions with near-surface geologic environments including aquifers, watersheds, coastlines and wetlands. We will also explore how specific techniques, ...

Conservation of Natural Resources part of Courses
This course utilizes current literature seminar-style discussions and integrates the virtual world software SECOND LIFE into some of the content/presentations.

Systems Modeling and Assessment for Policy part of Courses
This course explores how scientific information can be used to inform policy decision‐making processes through the use of quantitative modeling techniques. Incorporates both hands‐on analysis and practice using ...

Environmental Systems Theory part of Courses
Course begins with an exploration of chaos and complex systems theory as an antidote to the equilibrium thinking most students have been taught. This includes the logistic model as a basic definition of chaos ...

The Earth's Climate System part of Courses
This course will be taught once per year. It provides an introduction to the climate system through lectures, labs, discussions and activities. It uses lecture and inquiry based activities to help students gain ...