« Climate Models Discussion

Best resources and scaffolding in the classroom  

What resources (data types, data sources, or models) are best utilized in the classroom?

How do you scaffold numerical models into course curriculum (i.e., what background is necessary to introduce these things)?


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This post was edited by Perrin Stein on Jul, 2016
Here is the link to my web site with online resources links

Here are the data analysis links
Wavelets http://paos.colorado.edu/research/wavelets/


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This post was edited by Cindy Shellito on Oct, 2010
I know you have this on the handout from this morning, but just to have all these links in one place:

(NCAR CCSM Model output - including IPCC experiments - available under 'experiments')

On another workshop site (Teaching about Early Earth), I have posted a simple modeling exercise that I use to introduce paleoclimate students to modeling:
This uses a simple Excel energy balance model.

Also, you can find EdGCM at:
(Note that there is a free 30-day trial...)

Regarding scaffolding: At the Complex Systems workshop last spring, we outlined some 'challenges' and 'solutions' for introducing students to models...You can find the summary at:
(this link should work - thanks, Mark, for letting me know about the other link I had posted here! - CS 10/25)


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The last link won't work for me. Evidently I need to have been a participant in that workshop to access it.


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I'll compile a list of resources mentioned in talks and discussions (including URLs) onto a web page this weekend so we have them all in one place. Feel free to keep using the contribute form as well for this, or you can email me with others.


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I'm posting the survey I use in my intro classes to get at student's preconceptions/misconceptions about the atmosphere and climate change - I'll post a more detailed activity sheet on this later.


Atmosphere & Climo Misconceptions Survey (Microsoft Word 32kB Oct22 10)


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Thanks for the survey Cindy! I will use this in my intro class next spring. It will be interesting to see the responds.


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This post was edited by Charles Nykamp on Oct, 2021
A few more resources here for everyone:

A great book for an intro to climate modelling:

A Climate Modelling Primer, Third Edition
Author(s): Kendal McGuffie, Ann Henderson-Sellers
Published Online: 30 JUN 2005
Print ISBN: 9780470857502
Online ISBN: 9780470857618
DOI: 10.1002/0470857617
(The book includes and Excel energy balance model)

An online textbook on climate dynamics and climate modeling:
Goosse H., P.Y. Barriat, W. Lefebvre, M.F. Loutre and V. Zunz, (Oct 26, 2010). Introduction to climate dynamics and climate modeling. Online textbook available at http://www.climate.be/textbook.

More FREE climate models online:

MAGICC/SCENGEN(incorporates IPCC results):

The UNEP Java climate model (incorporates IPCC results):

Shodor 1-D Energy Balance model (very simple):


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