Kristine DeLong
Geography & Anthropology
Louisiana State University
Website Content Contributions
Activities (3)
Last Glacial Maximum part of Climate Change:Activities
This is an outline of an activity I am developing using model output from the CLIMAP study for my Quaternary Paleoecology and Paleoclimate class.
Learn more about this review process.
What happens to ice in water? part of CLEAN:CLEAN Network:Teaching Materials
This activity is part of the community collection of teaching materials on climate and energy topics. These materials were submitted by faculty as part of the CLEAN Climate Workshop, held in June, 2011 and are not ...
Temperature data and Climatology part of Early Career:Previous Workshops:Workshop 2010:Teaching Activities
Students learn what climate data is available for their area and how to access and use that data. Students will learn how to read and interpret climatological graphs.
Course (1)
Physical Geography: The Atmopshere part of Introductory Courses:Virtual Workshop 2014:Course Descriptions
This course covers introductory atmospheric science including ocean circulation and the hydrological cycle. It is the the first course in the Physical Geography sequence with Physical Geography: The Land as the ...
Workshop Participant (7 workshops)
March 2014 Climate Workshop
June 2011 Teaching About Earth's Climate Using Data and Numerical Models
October 2010