« Climate and Energy Webinar Series

Student misconceptions about Climate Change  

This topic is proving to be a very popular one and the January webinar filled in record time. We are hoping to have a lively conversation here so that we can share ideas about effective teaching of climate science. This discussion can take place before and after the January 21 webinar.

We all know there are many types of misconceptions when it comes to the topics of climate science and climate change. Rather than focusing on the misconceptions themselves, we'd like to focus on successful teaching strategies. What has worked in your classroom? What approaches have not worked?

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This post was edited by Karin Kirk on Jan, 2011
Thanks to Susan for a terrific presentation - there is lots of food for thought! So we will continue the conversation here.


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From Peter Mahaffy: May be of interest. A new peer-reviewed resource on the science underlying climate change that will go live next week for the opening ceremony of the International Year of Chemistry at UNESCO in Paris will be a set of modules for global dissemination (targeting 16-19 year olds) based on our work with misconceptions and climate literacy principles at www.ExplainingClimateChange.com. This is a resource we have developed at www.kcvs.ca in collaboration with the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry, UNESCO, American Chemical Society (US), and Royal Society of Chemistry (UK). One goal is to help chemistry and physics educators own and include the subject in their disciplinary curriculum. We’d welcome feedback.
Note from Karin - the site is not live yet.


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This post was edited by Phuoc Huynh on Nov, 2016
About media bias - here are 3 references

EOS link: Examining the Scientific Concensus on Climate Change

Balance as bias: global warming and the US prestige press
pdf of article:
This article makes a very clear case that the media's attempt to provide a balanced view of the topic has created imbalance by elevating the voice of a small amount of dissenters.

There is also a newer article by the same authors as the one above, but I have not read it yet. This article examines why the bias is so prevalent - how journalism principles propagate the bias.

Alternate link


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From Frank Wattenberg:

This was a great webinar, both content and execution. Thanks very much.

My overarching comment, that may in part reflect my particular students, is that cognitive misconceptions are not the issue. The real issue is that opponents of the actions that might be taken to mitigate climate change have spread a lot of misinformation or cherry-picked information. Most of the skepticism I encounter is based on repetition of this misinformation. Students don't say "carbon dioxide is good for plants and, hence, for us" because they have a fundamental cognitive misconception. They are repeating something they read or heard. The response can't be carbon dioxide is not good. Rather it should be increased atmospheric carbon dioxide operates through multiple mechanisms and has multiple consequences, one of which is an enhanced greenhouse effect. The problem is less cognitive misconceptions or misinformation and more cherry picked information and cherry-picked conceptions.

There are many well-credentialed scientists who provide support for the skeptics/deniers. Freeman Dyson is a very well-known physicist and Richard Lindzen is a very well-known climate scientist, or at least meteorologist (the distinction is hard to make in a politicized arena). Ed Wegman is a well-known statistician who raises non-frivolous questions about Mann's Hockey Stick graph. They are only three examples. I have a very bright and articulate colleague who is extremely well-credentialed and is able to discuss the models in some detail and with a lot of knowledge and who disputes their usefulness for making predictions. Models are essential to the argument, whether they are detailed science-based mathematical models or more conceptual mental models, because they are the basis for predictions and what-ifing.

Unfortunately, events like the East Anglia CRU email release, and even the recent financial near-collapse contribute to a general (and not always unhealthy) distrust of "experts."

So how do we respond? I think the first rule is that we cannot make this an ad hominem argument. Saying that folks like "Dyson, Wegman, and Lindzen" aren't real working climatologists won't work and, in fact, probably should not work. We should help our students develop a healthy amount of skepticism including Fox "News," coal companies, Michael Crichton, and, yes, even experts, drug companies, doctors, and scientists. We should help our students understand that scare tactics may not lead to the best public policy decisions. I don't think it is any accident that the folks who admire Crichton's "State of Fear" are so well-practiced in using this tactic themselves. So we must confront these questions seriously and directly. Is the concern about the effects of climate change justified and why? We must stress that multiple perspectives and lines of study lead to the same conclusions. Models are important and we have many models that do give different and, yes, often contradictory predictions but the general conclusions are clear. The Earth system is sensitive to what we are doing now and paleoclimatology makes clear that small external forcings can have dramatic effects. Tipping points exist and momentum can mask change and make it much harder to stop. We need to build students' confidence that they can choose between conflicting claims and analyses and we need to give them the tools and perspectives they need to make good choices. We need to help them function with uncertainty, a cacophony of contradictory claims, and to understand the differences between the consequences of false positives and false negatives. The IPCC models are consensus models and are as likely to underestimate climate change as to overestimate it.



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