Workshop: Teaching Oceanography

Initial Publication Date: May 4, 2012

June 18-20, 2013,
with optional field trips on June 17 and 21
Chinatown/North Beach Campus
City College of San Francisco

Note: this workshop has already taken place. Workshop presentations and summaries of discussions are available on the program page; participants' activity, course, and share fair contributions are available via the participant list.

This workshop is designed specifically for instructors of Introductory Oceanography. Session topics focus on sharing tested models and strategies for effectively teaching this topic in undergraduate courses. Each participant will contribute tested teaching materials and strategies and participate in the development and review of classroom resources that take advantage of cutting edge technology and pedagogy.

We have also developed a set of online resources for folks who are teaching Oceanography. You do not have to attend the workshop to view these pages.

Workshop Conveners

Katryn Wiese, Department of Earth Sciences, City College of San Francisco
Petra Dekens, Departments of Geosciences, San Francisco State University
Jan Hodder, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, University of Oregon
Dave Mogk, Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University
Kristen St. John, Department of Geology & Environmental Science, James Madison University
Al Trujillo, Department of Earth, Space, & Aviation Sciences, Palomar College

Cutting Edge Staff

Monica Bruckner, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

Tentative Schedule

Pre-Workshop (optional)
  • Monday, June 17 - 1-day pre-event optional Field Trip - San Francisco North

During the Workshop

The workshop program will include whole-group plenary sessions, interactive demonstrations of teaching activities, small group discussions and share fairs to exchange ideas and teaching materials, computer applications, and opportunities for informal networking among the participants.

  • Tuesday, June 18 - Day 1 - 8:15 am to 8 pm (includes dinner) - Theme: WHAT do we teach in Oceanography? Including topics such as: Case studies of specific areas in the ocean - balancing and integrating historical, physical, geological, chemical, and biological oceanography; Using data and technology; Lab skills and problem solving; Sustainability and human impacts.
  • Wednesday, June 19 - Day 2 - 8:15 am to 8 pm (includes dinner) - Theme: HOW Do We Teach Oceanography? Including topics such as: Strategies and best practices including topics such as visualizations, sample lab exercises, in-class lecture demos, interactive activities, active learning techniques in the classroom, reaching nonscientists, addressing the affective domain, and empowering students to engage in ocean stewardship.
  • Thursday, June 20 - Day 3 - 8:15 to 5 pm - Theme: What more do we need, and how can we find or develop it? Working groups gather to address needs and develop plans for expanding our shared resources.
Post-Workshop (optional)
  • Friday, June 21 - 1-day post-event optional Day Field Trip - San Francisco South

Partnership Workshop

This workshop is offered in partnership with InTeGrate - Interdisciplinary Teaching of Geosciences for a Sustainable Future. InTeGrate supports the teaching of geoscience in the context of societal issues both within geoscience courses and across the undergraduate curriculum. The goal is to develop a citizenry and workforce that can address environmental and resource issues facing our society.


For questions or more information, please contact Katryn Wiese.

This workshop is part of On the Cutting Edge, a professional development program for current and future geoscience faculty. The program is supported by the National Association of Geoscience Teachers and funded by the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education .

Teaching Oceanography Workshop Poster (Acrobat (PDF) 8.6MB Dec2 13)

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