Images - U.S. Geological Survey Activities
Initial Publication Date: October 17, 2007
These photographs were taken by USGS employees prior to and during the 30-day pumping test in December 1985 and January 1986. The USGS planned and performed the test for USEPA as part of its investigations of the Wells G & H Superfund Site. The test was designed to investigate the amount of induced infiltration of river water into the underlying aquifer to help determine the feasibility of using large capacity wells near the river to cleanup the extensive ground-water contamination in the buried valley sediments. The raw drawdown and streamflow data from the aquifer test were made available to the trial participants. The final results and USGS interpretations are published in (Myette and others 1987 ).
Wetland water level falling below ice that formed the night before 30-day test began indicating rapid induced infiltration