Area of influence and zone of contribution to Superfund-site Wells G and H, Woburn, Massachusetts
C. F Myette, J. C. Olimpio, D. G. Johnson 1987 U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 87-4100, 21 p.

Final USGS report interpreting the water-level data and streamflow data collected in 1985-1986. The results clearly stated and the graphics are well-conceived. The interpretations are in contrast to those of two of the expert witnesses in the Woburn Toxic Trial.

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Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos, References, Data
Topics: Woburn:Wells G and H Superfund Site, Hydrogeology:Field Data, WellsKeywords: streamflow, stream gaging, losing stream, gaining stream, water levels, water table, potentiometric maps