
Monday, December 7: Looking - The Challenges of Visual Pedagogies

8:30 Coffee and breakfast
9:00 Introduction
9:30 Introduce network of expert reference:
Laurel Bradley, Perlman Teaching Museum
Kristi Wermager, Gould Library Special Collections
Margaret Pezalla-Granlund, Gould Library Exhibitions
Andrea Nixon, Dean of the College Office
10:00 Individual assignment discussions
10:30 Break
10:45 Art History: Observation Exercise (MP4 Video 79.4MB Jul28 17) (Alison Kettering)
11:30 Large group discussion: assignments, challenges
12:30 Lunch

Tuesday, December 8: Telling - Examples of Visual Pedagogies

8:30 Coffee and breakfast
9:00 Classics example (MP4 Video 46MB Jul27 17) (Jorge Bravo III)
9:30 Geology example (MP4 Video 37.3MB Jul27 17) (Sarah Titus)
10:00 CAMS Example (John Schott)
10:30 Break
10:45 Chemistry example (MP4 Video 55.8MB Jul28 17) (Trish Ferrett)
11:15 Studio Art: Word exercise (MP4 Video 169MB Jul28 17) (Stephen Mohring)
12:30 Lunch

Wednesday, December 9: Showing - Designing and Evaluating Visual Assignments

8:30 Coffee and breakfast
9:00 Exhibition exercise (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 105kB May23 11) (Laurel Bradley)
10:00 Exhibition opportunities
Kristi Wermager, Special Collections: Rare Looks
Margaret Pezzala-Granlund, Gould Library Exhibitions
10:30 Break
10:45 Visual Horizons (Lew Weinberg)
11:30 Assignment discussions: Refine goals and expectations of individual assignments
12:15 Follow-up: Viz website (John McDaris)
Summer Curricular grants (due February 1), consulting stipend.
Workshop evaluation forms
12:30 Lunch