The Visualizing the Liberal Arts project website has not been significantly updated since 2013. We are preserving the web pages here because they still contain useful and ideas and content. But be aware that it may have out of date information.

Looking to Learn

Visual Assignments Across the Curriculum

December 7-9, 2009
Alumni Guest House, Carleton College

What does your discipline look at in order to learn? How do you understand or analyze what you see? How can you use images to make arguments? How can you teach your students the necessary skills or technologies to create effective visual products? As we develop our new curriculum, as the internet and innovative digital technologies become more central to every discipline, we recognize that visual skills are essential. Across the college, colleagues are exploring new visual pedagogies that provide opportunities for students to learn to use, analyze, create, and evaluate visual images and objects.

Workshop Convener

  • Susan Jaret McKinstry, English

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