Initial Publication Date: December 7, 2012

Adobe In-Design Build-a-Book Workshop

Thursday, February 23rd, 2012, 1-3pm

This hands-on workshop helped participants to learn how to use an InDesign template to design a folded booklet or brochure.


1:00-1:15pm: Introductions
1:20-1:40pm: Group A and Group B (InDesign and Folding)
InDesign Tools Overview
Wiki InDesign Tools Overview
InDesign Basics Handout (Acrobat (PDF) 517kB Feb21 12)
The Folded Booklet (Quicktime Video 954kB Feb21 12)
1:40-2:30pm: Main InDesign Instruction
i. How can I save my InDesign Project?
ii. Working with the 8-page folded booklet.
2:30-3:00pm: Producing double-sided booklets
i. The booklet template and design.
ii. Printing Options at Carleton
iii. Tri-fold InDesign Template
Evaluation Survey

Cache of Sample Images
Photographs by Aisling Quigley '09

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