The Visualizing the Liberal Arts project website has not been significantly updated since 2013. We are preserving the web pages here because they still contain useful and ideas and content. But be aware that it may have out of date information.
Initial Publication Date: May 24, 2012

The Savvy Photographer: Making, Keeping, and Asking

Thursday, May 10th, 6:15-7:15pm
IdeaLab, Weitz Center for Creativity

Carleton students take a lot of photographs while they are studying off campus and they look to their photographs to record and to communicate their experiences abroad. Whether the photographs are for personal use, shared informally with family and friends, or shared more formally with the Carleton campus, the photos are meant to speak in some way to the experience of studying off campus. In some cases, photographs are personal momentos; in others, they are direct class 'assignments' or products of the teaching environment of the course. In certain classes, photography is taught intensively; in others not at all.

This workshop attempted to answer the following questions: What makes a good quality photograph? What can a novice photographer do to improve the quality of their photographs? How should a student think about their ethical responsibilities in relation to the host culture?

Nuts 'n' Bolts of Digital Photography
Tucker MacNeill
Nuts 'n' Bolts PowerPoint (PowerPoint 13.5MB Dec7 12)

Heidi Eyestone
Embedded Metadata
Heidi Eyestone
Learning to Look-Ethically Workshop, 5-7 December, 2011

Asking Questions
Laska Jimsen
Asking Questions Discussion
Laska Jimsen
Learning to Look-Ethically Workshop, 5-7 December, 2011

Suggested reading:
Ultimately We Are All Outsiders: The Ethics of Documentary Filming, by Calvin Pryluck