About this Project
Using Data in the Classroom is a site that provides information and discussion for educators and resource developers interested in effective teaching methods and pedagogical approaches for using data in the classroom. The site contains discussions of pedagogic issues, links to sources of on-line data that can be used for education, examples of exercises that educators have developed, and scenarios that describe future uses for data in the classroom.
Information on the site is drawn from a series of workshops and sessions sponsored by NSDL, NAGT On the Cutting Edge (2002 and 2003), and DLESE (2002 and 2003).
The PI for this project is Cathy Manduca of the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College (more info) .
This site is community-driven. We encourage users to contribute in any of the following areas. Contributions will be periodically reviewed and incorporated into the site as appropriate.
- increase the current resource user and contributor base to include greater numbers of K-12, informal, and college educators and students,
- diversify the DLESE user and contributor base to include rich and robust representation of ethnic, cultural, and differently-abled groups,
- improve the ability of users and contributors to easily find, adapt, and effectively use high quality digital resources in their classrooms, laboratories, and communities, and
- demonstrate how DLESE can support community activity addressing issues in geoscience education.
Terms of Use for information on this website.
SERC Privacy Policy
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.