Initial Publication Date: October 13, 2023

Teaching Computation in MATLAB: An Educational Journey

Yih-Choung Yu, , Lafayette College

My journey into teaching computation in MATLAB started with an appreciation of its versatility and effectiveness in solving complex mathematical problems from my research experiences. MATLAB's user-friendly interface and extensive documentation make it accessible to both novice and experienced programmers, which is particularly important in an educational setting. As I embarked on this teaching adventure, I had two primary objectives: to empower students with computational skills and to demonstrate the practical relevance of MATLAB in their academic and professional pursuits.

Teaching computation in MATLAB comes with its fair share of challenges. Some students may be intimidated by the software's apparent complexity, while others might underestimate the importance of computational skills in their field of study. Additionally, troubleshooting errors and debugging code can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially for beginners.
To address these challenges, I adopted a learner-centered approach that emphasized the following key strategies:
(1) Interactive Learning: I encouraged students to actively engage with MATLAB through hands-on exercises, coding assignments, and projects. This approach helped them overcome initial apprehensions and build confidence in their programming abilities.
(2) Real-World Applications: To demonstrate the practical relevance of MATLAB, I incorporated real-world examples and case studies in system identification, controller design, and biomedical system simulation into my lectures and assignments. By showcasing how MATLAB is used in industry and research, students gained a deeper appreciation for its potential.
(3) Problem-Solving Emphasis: MATLAB is a powerful tool for solving complex problems, so I focused on teaching problem-solving skills alongside programming concepts. I encouraged students to break down problems into manageable steps, develop algorithms, and implement solutions in MATLAB.
(4) Peer Collaboration: Collaborative learning can be highly effective in teaching computation in MATLAB. I promoted group projects and peer code reviews, allowing students to learn from each other's experiences and mistakes.

The outcomes of my efforts in teaching computation in MATLAB have been overwhelmingly positive.
(1) Improved Problem-Solving Skills: Students have become adept at breaking down complex problems and applying computational techniques to find solutions. This skill is invaluable in their academic and professional journeys.
(2) Enhanced Confidence: Many students who initially felt intimidated by MATLAB have gained confidence in their programming abilities. They now view MATLAB as a valuable tool in their toolkit.
(3) Career Readiness: MATLAB proficiency has made students more competitive in the job market. Employers across various industries value candidates who can use MATLAB for data analysis, modeling, and simulation.
(4) Research Advancements: MATLAB has opened doors for students to engage in research projects, where they can apply their computational skills to solve real-world problems and contribute to advancements in their fields of interest.

Teaching computation in MATLAB has been a fulfilling experience that has equipped students with valuable skills and perspectives. The challenges faced along the way were outweighed by the positive outcomes, as students developed problem-solving abilities, gained confidence, and enhanced their career readiness. MATLAB's practical applicability in a wide range of fields ensures that these skills will continue to serve students well beyond the classroom, making it a powerful tool in their academic and professional journeys. As an educator, it has been a privilege to witness the transformation of students into confident, skilled computational thinkers through the exploration of MATLAB.

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