Gaining Real World Experience in Research and Teaching
Initial Publication Date: May 3, 2006
Saturday May 16, 1:00 pm
Research Experiences Group
What is the range of opportunities currently provided for students to gain teaching or research experience?
Field Experiences
- Field geology
- Shipboard
Part of Classwork
- Student investigations in field
- Community-based questions
- Proposal-writing
- Designing/implementing projects
- Lesson-plan development
Teaming Student-Researcher
- 2-semester sequences with faculty
- Scientist + inservice + pre-service - internship (in community)
- Beginning teacher focus; year long
- Summer internships "drop ins" and more
- Real research experience required for certification for science teachers
- 3-6 credit research experience, which might be an internship
Why do we think these experiences are important?
- Increasing emphasis on science inquiry
- Earth as an integrated system
- Sapce-age perspective -- how to infuse into class
- Strengthen community interest and see how collaborations can be developed. See value of student work.
- Really want school children to understand what science is by having teachers who have experienced it
What is the evidence? What is their impact?
- Educational research necessary to help to evaluate effectiveness of these research experiences
- Highly mixed reviews about laboratory research experience
- Teacher professional continuum. Don't really know what elements of research experiences are most transformative
- Great opportunity for geosciences to compete for research dollars
- What evidence for LACK of research evidence is bad?
What are critical aspects of such experiences?
- More than just a "task" as part of research
- What kind of activity is in best interest of the student
- Present results to peers or at conference
- Synthesizing element and integrating element
- Research experience should include full cycle of research
- Developmental experience
- Brokering appropriate matches/teams/collaborations
- Creativity!
- Science as a human endeavor
What are conditions for success?
- Deal with different learning styles
- Define the various goals
- Better defining expectation, outcomes
- Experiences take time and take something else out of the curriculum
- How to convince of its value? It's more than "feels good" -- the impact!
- Publishing results -- what projects work and generate
What are new models that could be tried?
- Guided discovery leading to open exploration
- More faculty trying to offer research experiences early in the student career
- Different types of research; scientific research experience that is used as the study for action research (educational) research