Brainstorming Report outs
Initial Publication Date: May 3, 2006
Friday May 16, 3:20 pm
Recruiting Geoscience Students for K-12 Teaching Careers: Warming the Climate and Recruiting the People
Developing Knowledge of Instructional Materials
- Using the web
- Provide exemplary good best-practice materials available as an online offering for K-12 teachers
- Rely on exemplary existing materials
- Build concept course based on materials
- Classroom
- Using classroom curricular materials in K-12 ES content courses
- NASA matrix linking materials standards -- materials need review
- Summer programs need to be open to pre-service teachers -- they have both time and need; problem with funding not making it open to this group
- Keeping students in college in the first place
- Look at what historically black colleges are doing
- Foster learning groups and peer groups, cohort groups of all kinds
- Involve pre-service teachers and science majors in outreach programs like open houses.
- Must have institutional support and connections between science and education departments
- Get students to consider geology
- Get beyond geology=rocks stereotype
- Variety of things students need to know
- They are adults now
- How to make a lesson plan
- Classroom management
- Good contact on site between science, education, and students
- Private universe -- what are misconceptions
Co-curricular activies
- Important because they provide important knowlege that students don't get in curriculum that is necessary to succeed
- Expose pre-service to in-service activities
- National meetings
- Workshops with in-service
- Science fairs/after school/Saturday field trips (museums)
- Critical aspects
- Developing unit plans
- Standards base (ES and other)
- Web-based data sets
- Demonstrate "hands-on" using simple tools (play dough)
- Put in contact with people who run high tech equipment
- Conditions
- Partnerships are essential
Working with Teachers after they leave the Department
- Why:
- Networking
- Need for credit
- Remain part of profession
- Despairable need for content
- Teachers can be involved in research, department or professional development
- Evidence it's important
- Mass required for higher level of certification
- Assessments show PD affects teaching
- Critical aspects: conditions for success
- Funding, evaluation, follow-up
- Blend of content and pedagogy
- Involve master teachers
Why are pre-service teachers important to departments?
Critical that they be active members of department to change second class status
- Ideas:
- TAs (give priority so can practice methods)
- Outreach coordination (school visits to department, classroom contacts, recruitment tool for majors, give academic credit)
- Research assistants in action research for faculty teacihng or on traditional research
- Criterion 2 consultants for faculty
- High quality peer mentors
- Teaching freshman lab as components for graduation