Issues in Earth Science Teacher Preparation
In this section, we explore some of the issues surrounding the preparation of teachers to teach Earth Science at both the preservice and inservice levels.
Where are we now?
Is there a problem with K-12 Earth Science? What's the current situation? What are our students learning, and who is teaching them?
All Earth Science teachers are not alike.
Who are K-12 teachers of Earth Science? What do they have to say about Earth Science teaching? Who is thinking about the ways in which Earth Science teachers are prepared?
The Role of Geoscience Departments
Why should geoscience departments work to prepare well-qualified Earth Science teachers?
The Importance of Geoscientists in Preparing Teachers
There is a significant need for geoscience faculty and practicing teachers to work together in their communities to improve the quality of Earth science education. Practicing teachers often are eager to interact with geoscience faculty and faculty can benefit in many ways from this collaboration. Plus, it can be a lot of fun!
Ways to Learn More about Improving Science Education
Read about ideas for scientist's involvement in science education and professional development for practicing teachers, find out about workshops and special conference sessions devoted to these topics, and join up with an organization that promotes the support of science teachers.
Teacher Interviews
In order to get a sense of what K-12 teachers are doing in their Earth Science classrooms, we conducted interviews with teachers from different backgrounds, different teaching assignments and different needs.
Information Sources
References and links to other sources of information on teacher preparation in the sciences.