Browse Texts for Teaching the Process of Science

Initial Publication Date: July 3, 2009

Texts for Teaching the Process of Science

The following list of texts were compiled and reviewed by faculty members who participated in the 2009 Process of Science workshop.

Jump to: General Science | Astronomy | Biology | Earth Science

General Science

Process of Science
The Process of Science
A. Carpi and A.E. Egger
Intended audience: Undergraduates, advanced high school, and their teachers

Science Ethics
The Process of Science: Module VIII - Scientific Ethics
A. Carpi and A.E. Egger
Intended audience: Undergraduate and above

Science Storytelling
Science as Storytelling
B.R. Bickmore and D.A. Grandy
Intended audience: Undergraduates

Short History of Nearly Everything
A Short History of Nearly Everything
B. Bryson
Intended audience: Lay public

What is this thing called science
What is This Thing Called Science
A.F. Chalmers
Intended audience: Undergraduates, Graduate students

Can Science Win Over Climate Change Skeptics
Can Science Win Over Climate Change Skeptics?
M. J. Dougherty
Intended audience: Educators, General public

New Model for Inquiry
A New Model for Inquiry: Is the Scientific Method Dead?
W.S. Harwood
Intended audience: Science educators

State of Science Education
The State of Science Education: Subject Matter Without Context
N.G. Lederman
Intended audience: Science educators

GSA Nature of Science
Nature of Science and the Scientific Method
C.V. McLelland
Intended audience: Undergraduate educators


Integrated Coordinated Science
Integrated Coordinated Science
M. Smith, J.B. Southard, A. Einsenkraft, G. Freebury, R. Ritter, and R. Demery
Intended audience: High school

Understanding Science
Understanding Science
The University of California Museum of Paleontology
Intended audience: Students in K - 16 and teachers of those grade levels

Understanding Science 101
Understanding Science 101
The University of California Museum of Paleontology
Intended audience: Teachers, pre-service teachers, and undergraduates


Discovering Astronomy
Discovering Astronomy 5th edition currently being revised for 6th edition 
S.J. Shawl, K.M. Ashman, and B. Hufnagel
Intended audience: Undergraduates


The Nature of Life
The Nature of Life: Readings in Biology
Edited by N. Carr, J. Coulson, M. Levine, G. Schoepfel, D. Whitfield, and M. Stefanski
Intended audience: High school and undergraduates

Learning about the Nature of Science
Learning the Nature of Science
Susan Musante
Intended audience: Undergraduate introductory biology educators

The Structure of DNA
The Structure of DNA: Cooperation and Competition
The University of California Museum of Paleontology
Intended audience: Teachers, pre-service teachers, and undergraduates

Earth Science

Essentials of Geology
Essentials of Geology
S. Chernicoff and H. Fox 
Intended audience: Undergraduate

Principles of Environmental Geochemistry
Principles of Environmental Geochemistry
G. Nelson Eby
Intended audience: Upper level undergraduate

The Good Earth
The Good Earth: Introduction to Earth Science
D. McConnell, D. Steer, C. Knight, K. Owens and L. Park
Intended audience: Undergraduate