Design for Safety and Minimize Risk

Initial Publication Date: July 9, 2019

Opportunities to work and learn in the field environments can be defining experiences for students. Field environments also pose hazards and risks not typically encountered in the classroom. Negative situations in the field created by environmental factors, lack of preparation, participant behavior, or other sources can have profoundly negative impacts on student learning and the safety of all participants. By taking steps to design safe field experiences and prepare students for the field, instructors can provide positive learning and growth opportunities for all students.

Prepare for Emergencies

In uncontrolled environments such as the field, negative situations can't be entirely prevented. Planning and preparing for emergencies in the field can, however, help to avert some and mitigate others. Field trip leaders can increase the likelihood of safe and successful experiences for students and instructors by taking certain steps before the trip even begins.

Minimize Risk in the Field

Working in the field involves risk. It is important that instructors and students in field experiences understand the risks and are provided with strategies and information to manage and minimize them.

Establish Appropriate Behavior

The behavior of those participating in field experiences can have a dramatic impact on the safety of others and preservation of the field environment. Appropriate field conduct is important from the standpoint of reducing risk as well as a matter of ethics and professionalism. Describing, enforcing, and modeling appropriate behavior in the field help to ensure these opportunities are safe and positive experiences for all.

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