Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Resources for Earth Educators

These resources have been developed by many different projects and address various aspects of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in the geosciences.

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Results 1 - 6 of 6 matches

Using the Mississippi River Watershed Module in Introduction to Environmental Economics
Anna Klis, Northern Illinois University
This course offers an overview of economic analyses of environmental issues like pollution and resource management for non-majors. Students will receive an introduction to marginal thinking, market-based solutions, valuation techniques, and government intervention, with a focus on current issues and applying economics in an interdisciplinary manner to other environmental fields.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice: Build Just and Equitable Curricula:Public Policy and STEM
Information Type: Course Description

Lecture on unilateral externalities
Anna Klis, Northern Illinois University
The BASICS module fit in so well on its own and is a lot of work for everyone, so I didn't have an additional activity. Instead, the BASICS lecture was broken up to fit into lecture. I had a lecture on the ...

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice: Build Just and Equitable Curricula:Public Policy and STEM
Information Type: Activity:Classroom Activity, Activity

Water Crisis
Megan Brown, Northern Illinois University
Following the circular economy common exercise, the "Water Crisis" lecture and activity includes information on water resources, direct water use, and virtual water. The main activity has the students determine their water footprint and then try to decrease it to the rationing level used in Cape Town, South Africa during the countdown to "Day Zero" in 2018.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice: Build Just and Equitable Curricula:Public Policy and STEM
Information Type: Activity, Classroom Activity

Using the Zero-Waste Circular Economy Module in Nature in Society: Environmental Social Sciences and Humanities
Emily McKee, Northern Illinois University
Examination of how the social sciences and humanities contribute to our understanding of contemporary environmental problems and our efforts to solve them. Focus on how human communities and institutions respond to and serve as agents of environmental change. Practice in effective communication about environmental challenges.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice: Build Just and Equitable Curricula:Ethics, Environmental Justice

Putting Entrepreneurship to Work on Wicked Problems
Bart Sharp, Northern Illinois University
In this assignment students are asked to explore how the concepts and frameworks of entrepreneurship may be applied to the search for progress on Wicked Problems. Students are given free reign to decide which of ...

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice: Build Just and Equitable Curricula:Public Policy and STEM
Information Type: Activity:Writing Assignment, Activity

Save the World! (With a Toilet)
Theodore Hogan, Northern Illinois University
Sanitation and the availability of safe water are closely allied. Access to safe human waste disposal is more than a human right. It can change the world for the better by reducing disease, death, and poverty.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice: Build Just and Equitable Curricula:Ethics, Environmental Justice
Information Type: Activity:Classroom Activity, Activity

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