Teaching Activities
Earth education activities from across all of the sites within the Teach the Earth portal.
Grade Level
Online Readiness Show all
Online Ready
463 matchesResource Type: Activities
- American Studies 1 match
- Anthropology 2 matches
- Biology 52 matches
- Chemistry 6 matches
- Economics 1 match
- Education 3 matches
- Engineering 1 match
- English 1 match
- Environmental Science 224 matches
- Fine Arts 1 match
- Geography 21 matches
- Geoscience 423 matches
- Health Sciences 3 matches human health topics
- Mathematics 3 matches
- Physics 6 matches
Project Show all
- A Civil Action - The Woburn Toxic Trial 1 match
- BASICS 1 match
- CLEAN 86 matches
- Curriculum for the Bioregion 10 matches
- Cutting Edge 144 matches
- Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education 1 match
- Earth Exploration Toolbook 9 matches
- EarthLabs for Educators 23 matches
- EarthScope ANGLE 1 match
- GEODE 7 matches
- Geoscience in Two-year Colleges 1 match
- GET Spatial Learning 4 matches
- GETSI 8 matches
- Guided Inquiry Introductory Geology Labs 1 match
- Integrate 41 matches
- IODP School of Rock 2020 9 matches
- MARGINS Data in the Classroom 2 matches
- NAGT 53 matches
- Neotoma 3 matches
- Pedagogy in Action 3 matches
- Quantitative Skills 2 matches
- Spatial Thinking Workbook 4 matches
- Starting Point-Teaching Entry Level Geoscience 4 matches
- Teach the Earth 43 matches
- Teaching Computation with MATLAB 2 matches
Results 41 - 50 of 463 matches
Isotope Hydrograph Separation part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Anne Jefferson, Kent State University-Main Campus
Separation of hydrographs into event and pre-event fractions based on measurements and data, rather than arbitrary formulae, was a revolutionary technique in watershed hydrology in the 1970s and has continued to be ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
Learn more about this review process.
Deep Sea Microbes Jigsaw part of IODP School of Rock 2020:Teaching Activities
Beverly Owens, Cleveland Early College High School; Molly Ludwick, Kings Mountain Middle School
This activity will help students to explore characteristics of microbes that live in the deep sea. This activity can be conducted as a jigsaw or research project, and can be used with face-to-face, remote, and ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Project:Independent Research, Activities:Classroom Activity:Jigsaw, Activities:Classroom Activity
Subject: Geoscience:Oceanography:Marine Resources, Environmental Science:Oceans and Coastal Resources, Biology:Microbiology, Biogeochemistry:Microbial Properties and Metabolism, Geoscience:Oceanography:Biological
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Surviving Extinction, A Journey Through Time part of Cutting Edge:Enhance Your Teaching:Teaching with Online Field Experiences:Activities
Wendy Taylor, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Explore prehistoric environments over the past 350 million years, make good decisions to avoid deadly predators, and discover real expedition sites as you chart your own path through time. 99% of all species that ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity, Virtual Field Trip
Subject: Geoscience:Paleontology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Groundwater Lab: online version part of Teaching Activities
Kim Hannula, Fort Lewis College
This is a version of the Groundwater Lab (https://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/intro/activities/23416.html) previously shared as part of the Teaching Introductory Geology collection. It uses an online ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Lab Activity
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology:Ground Water:Groundwater flow, Environmental Science:Water Quality and Quantity:Groundwater , Geoscience:Hydrology:Ground Water:Groundwater modeling
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Tidepooling Field trip (online) part of Cutting Edge:Enhance Your Teaching:Teaching with Online Field Experiences:Activities
Katryn Wiese, City College of San Francisco
Tidepooling Field Trip online (developed for remote learning during COVID-19 pandemic); students will watch video and review photos to simulate a field experience as they explore Pillar Point tidepools (as they ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Lab Activity
Subject: Biology:Diversity:Censuses, Biology:Ecology:Habitats:Marine, Geoscience:Oceanography:Biological
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Lesson 2: My Water Footprint (High School) part of Teaching Activities
Kai Olson-Sawyer, GRACE Communications Foundation
This lesson centers on a deeper exploration of the water footprint associated with food. Students learned in Lesson 1 that virtual water, especially as it relates to food, typically makes up the majority of their ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Classroom Activity
Subject: Geoscience:Soils, Environmental Science:Water Quality and Quantity:Water Conservation, Environmental Science:Soils and Agriculture:Food Production and Distribution, Geoscience:Hydrology:Ground Water:Water and society, policy, and management, Water supply/water resource evaluation
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Landslide Mapping and Analysis part of Cutting Edge:Enhance Your Teaching:Teaching with Online Field Experiences:Activities
Alison Duvall, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
The purpose of this module is to familiarize students to empirical methods of mass movement hazard analysis, to provide them training in mapping and analyzing inventories of landslides from lidar datasets, and to ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Project
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Geomorphology:Landforms/Processes:Mass Movement
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Lesson 1: Water Resources and Water Footprints (High School) part of Teaching Activities
Kai Olson-Sawyer, GRACE Communications Foundation
This lesson helps students understand why Earth is considered the "water planet." Students analyze how much of Earth's water is available for humans to use for life-sustaining purposes, and they ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity, Virtual Field Trip, Project
Subject: Environmental Science:Water Quality and Quantity:Water Conservation, Geoscience:Hydrology:Ground Water:Water supply/water resource evaluation, Water and society, policy, and management
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review
Sage Hen Flat fieldcamp/capstone activity part of Cutting Edge:Enhance Your Teaching:Teaching with Online Field Experiences:Activities
Basil Tikoff, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This activity attempts to simulate the process of field-based science investigation for the Sage Hen Flat area of the White Mountains, California. The Sage Hen Flat pluton is Jurassic in age and intrudes ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Field Activity, Writing Assignment
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Tectonics
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
See the activity page for details.
Magnetometry at home: a hands-on survey with your smartphone part of Cutting Edge:Enhance Your Teaching:Teaching with Online Field Experiences:Activities
Charly Bank, University of Toronto
Using a free app downloaded to their smartphone or tablet device students engage in collecting magnetic field data. Students have to design and document a survey, and are encouraged to do simple quality control. ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Virtual Field Trip, Field Activity, Lab Activity
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Geophysics:Magnetism/Paleomag
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
See the activity page for details.