Teaching Activities
Earth education activities from across all of the sites within the Teach the Earth portal.
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Volcano Monitoring with GPS: Westdahl Volcano Alaska part of EarthScope ANGLE:Educational Materials:Activities
Maite Agopian, EarthScope; Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium
Learners use graphs of GPS position data to determine how the shape of Westdahl Volcano, Alaska is changing. If the flanks of a volcano swell or recede, it is a potential indication of magma movement and changing ...
Online Readiness: Online Adaptable
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Classroom Activity, Lab Activity, Outreach Activity
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Geophysics:Geodesy, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards:Volcanism, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards, Engineering
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Building Shaking —Variations of the BOSS Model part of EarthScope ANGLE:Educational Materials:Activities
IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology), FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration), ShakeAlert, Chris Hedeen (Oregon City High School), and ANGLE Project
Building Oscillation Seismic Simulation, or BOSS, is an opportunity for learners to explore the phenomenon of resonance for different building heights while performing a scientific experiment that employs mathematical skills. They experience how structures behave dynamically during an earthquake.
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Outreach Activity, Lab Activity, Classroom Activity
Subject: Geoscience, Engineering, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards:Earthquakes, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards, Natural Hazards:Mass Wasting
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Earthquake Hazard Maps & Liquefaction: Alaska emphasis part of EarthScope ANGLE:Educational Materials:Activities
TOTLE (Teachers on the Leading Edge), CEETEP (Cascadia EarthScope Earthquake and Tsunami Education Program), EarthScope ANGLE, and ShakeAlert projects
Ground shaking is the primary cause of earthquake damage to man-made structures. This exercise combines three related activities on the topic of shaking-induced ground instability: a ground shaking amplification demonstration, a seismic landslides demonstration, and a liquefaction experiment. The amplitude of ground shaking is affected by the type of near-surface rocks and soil. Earthquake ground shaking can cause even gently sloping areas to slide when those same areas would be stable under normal conditions. Liquefaction is a phenomenon where water-saturated sand and silt take on the characteristics of a dense liquid during the intense ground shaking of an earthquake and deform. Includes Alaska and San Francisco examples.
Online Readiness: Designed for In-Person
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Lab Activity, Outreach Activity, Classroom Activity
Subject: Geoscience:Geology:Geophysics:Seismology, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards:Mass Wasting, Earthquakes, Geoscience, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards, Engineering
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Base Isolation for Earthquake Resistance part of EarthScope ANGLE:Educational Materials:Activities
Larry Braile (Purdue University) and TOTLE (Teachers on the Leading Edge) Project
This document includes two activities related to earthquake base isolation. Learners explore earthquake hazards and damage to buildings by constructing model buildings and subjecting the buildings to ground vibration (shaking similar to earthquake vibrations) on a small shake table. Base isolation a powerful tool for earthquake engineering. It is meant to enable a building to survive a potentially devastating seismic impact through a proper initial design or subsequent modifications. The buildings are constructed by two- or three-person learner teams.
Online Readiness: Designed for In-Person
Resource Type: Activities: Activities:Project, Lab Activity, Classroom Activity
Subject: Geoscience, Engineering, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards:Earthquakes, Environmental Science:Natural Hazards, Natural Hazards:Mass Wasting
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Unit 2.1: Geodetic survey of an outcrop for road cut design part of Analyzing High Resolution Topography with TLS and SfM
Yonathan Admassu (James Madison University)
John Paul Ligush (James Madison University)
Matthew Gribbin (James Madison University)
This unit offers an alternative application for high-resolution topographic data from an outcrop. Using engineering geology methods and data collection from TLS and/or SfM, students design safe "road ...
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities, Course Module, Activities:Virtual Field Trip
Subject: Engineering, Geoscience:Geology:Structural Geology, Geophysics:Geodesy
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Unit 4. Urban Landscapes and Water Use part of Water Sustainability in Cities
Gigi Richard, Fort Lewis College
Students are introduced to evapotranspiration (ET) and how ET varies with meteorological factors and plant factors. A pre-class video and worksheet introduce students to estimating landscape water needs from ET and ...
Resource Type: Activities: Course Module, Activities
Subject: Geography:Physical, Environmental Science:Water Quality and Quantity, Geoscience:Hydrology, Atmospheric Science, Environmental Science:Land Use and Planning, Engineering, Environmental Science:Sustainability, Geoscience:Geology:Environmental Geology
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary, Passed Peer Review
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Unit 3. Urban Water - Atmospheric Environment Interactions part of Water Sustainability in Cities
Marshall Shepherd, University of Georgia
Unit 3 addresses concepts related to urban-atmosphere interactions. The content explores how urban landscapes and atmospheric constituents modify or interact with the atmosphere to affect temperature, clouds, ...
Resource Type: Activities: Course Module, Activities
Subject: Environmental Science:Sustainability, Geoscience:Hydrology, Environmental Science:Water Quality and Quantity, Engineering, Geoscience:Geology:Environmental Geology, Geography:Physical, Geoscience:Atmospheric Science:Climatology :Hydrologic cycle, Environmental Science:Land Use and Planning
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review, Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Unit 6. Rainwater Harvesting part of Water Sustainability in Cities
Steven Burian, University of Utah; Manoj Jha, North Carolina A & T State University; Gigi Richard, Fort Lewis College; Marshall Shepherd, University of Georgia
Unit 6 covers the preliminary design of a rainwater harvesting unit. Pre-class assignments provide background on rainwater harvesting. An active learning exercise steps student teams through the process of sizing a ...
Online Readiness: Online Adaptable
Resource Type: Activities: Activities, Course Module
Subject: Environmental Science:Water Quality and Quantity, Sustainability, Geoscience:Geology:Environmental Geology, Environmental Science, Engineering
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Unit 2. Urban Hydrology part of Water Sustainability in Cities
Manoj Jha, North Carolina A & T State University
Unit 2 engages students in topics related to the water cycle, both from natural and urban system perspectives. Students are assigned approximately 30 minutes of reading (short article) and are required to watch a ...
Resource Type: Activities: Course Module, Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology, Environmental Science:Sustainability, Engineering, Geoscience:Geology:Environmental Geology, Geoscience:Hydrology:Ground Water:Water supply/water resource evaluation
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review, Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
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Unit 5. Net Zero Water Buildings part of Water Sustainability in Cities
Steven Burian, University of Utah; Gigi Richard, Fort Lewis College; Manoj Jha, North Carolina A & T State University; Marshall Shepherd, University of Georgia
Unit 5 addresses the concept of Net Zero Water of buildings. Net Zero Water can be defined in different ways. For this module it means a building's water needs are supplied 100% from harvested rainwater or ...
Resource Type: Activities: Activities, Course Module
Subject: Environmental Science:Water Quality and Quantity, Sustainability, Environmental Science, Engineering, Geoscience:Hydrology, Geology:Environmental Geology
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary, Passed Peer Review
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