Visualization of Model Output

and is replicated here as part of the SERC Pedagogic Service.
Initial Publication Date: September 15, 2006
Visualization of output from mathematical or statistical models is one of the best ways to introduce introductory geoscience students to the results and behavior of sophisticated models. Example of good sites include:
- Climate Impact of Quadrupling Atmospheric CO2: An overview of GFDL Climate Model Results (more info)
- CCM3 T170 Cloud and Precipitation Simulation A beautiful simulation of global atmospheric circulation.
- NASA GISS Global Change Data Access Has links to model output like this.
- Mantle Convection Movies On-Line at Caltech ( This site may be offline. ) Includes a discussion of assumptions and science behind simulation.
- Animations of plate tectonics and more ( This site may be offline. ) from Tanya Atwater at UCSB. These are conceptual visualizations showing the evolution of plate boundaries and plate movements
- Geophysical and Geologic java applets, movies, animations, articles, tutorials, class notes, etc (more info) has several links to mantle convection movies, plate tectonics, and other interesting links.
- Florida State University Weather Pages (more info) with QT movies of forecast model output and other interesting information.
- Pacific Northwest Mesoscale Model (MM5) Weather Forecasts (more info) This is an incredible site with an enormous amounts of imagery related to Pacific Northwest weather forecast model output.
- NorthAmerican Plots of Temp, pressure, winds, dew point, etc. Great Site with Model Output (more info)
- NOAA/PMEL/TAO El Nino Distributed Numerical Simulations
- Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology: Forecast ENSO Conditions
- Geomagnetic and Solar Activity Forecast Service (more info)