Related and Supporting Practices

Initial Publication Date: July 30, 2010

Related Pedagogical Practices

Some pedagogical practices described in other places of Starting Point and Pedagogy in Action can be creatively structured to be complete undergraduate research experiences. Some of these are or can be overlapping.

Student Study Group

  • Campus-based Learning -Campus-based learning experiences use the physical campus environment as a tool for learning. Undergraduate research projects can be conducted on campus, and, in circumstances when the campus is served by the research, may also have service-learning dimensions.
  • Experience-Based Learning -Experience-based learning involves creating knowledge through experience. Undergraduate research, service learning, campus-based learning, and case-based learning are some pedagogical practices that fall under the umbrella of experience-based learning.
  • Investigative Cases -Through cases, students identify research questions, collect resources needed to answer them, and learn how to persuade others of their findings.
  • Service-Learning -In a service-learning experience, students complete and reflect on a project that satisfies chosen academic objectives while also serving a genuine need of an organization. Sometimes service projects can also be undergraduate research experiences.

Supporting Pedagogical Practices

Other pedagogical practices described in Starting Point and Pedagogy in Action can be helpful in engaging students at particular stages of the research process.

  • Cooperative Learning -Cooperative learning involves establishing structured interpedence among students working on a group project. For the undergraduate research practitioner who encourages group work, this module offers tips on defining projects, encouraging and monitoring meaningful group interactions, and assessing the output of group assignments.
  • Making and Testing Conjectures -Creating and testing hypotheses are critical parts of the research process that are better understood when experienced than when simply described to students. This module has tips for guiding students through hypothesis formation and testing.
  • Process-Oriented Learning -With Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), students work in small teams on guided inquiry materials that walk them through steps of an actual research project. This tips in this module may be helpful for group-oriented undergraduate research projects.
  • Teaching the Process of Science-Teaching the process of science can include anything from teaching the history of the scientific process and making transparent the connections between student assignments and professional expectations to engaging students in original research (undergraduate research).
  • Teaching with Data -This module offers resources for faculty interested in using data in classroom exercises and projects. It helps faculty consider such issues as whether to work with existing data or have students themselves collect data.
  • Quantitative Writing -Quantitative writing assignments require students to analyze data and effectively communicate their findings and their relevance through writing. A quantitative writing assignment could be the final or intermediate product of an undergraduate research project.