The Transformer: Simulation Lecture Demo

John Stewart
University of Arkansas
Author Profile
This material was originally developed through comPADRE
as part of its collaboration with the SERC Pedagogic Service.

Initial Publication Date: July 29, 2007


Illustration of a Induction Transformer
In a physics lecture, the class is presented with a simulation of the operation of a transformer. The students are presented with a question involving the qualitative relationship between the input and output emf and the number of turns in the primary and secondary coils. The starting point of the simulation is a transformer with equal number of turns on the primary and secondary. The students are asked how the output voltage changes as the number of turns in the primary and secondary is altered.

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Learning Goals

The student should complete the activity with a qualitative understanding of the dependence of transformer operation on the parameters of the transformer. The student should also develop an improved understanding of Faraday's law.

Context for Use

Educational level: Introductory College or Electronics Class
Setting: Lecture
Time required: 20-50 minutes
Special equipment: Computer and Projector
Pre-requisite knowledge: Faraday's law

Description and Teaching Materials

The file contains a complete script of the interactive demonstration and questions to present to the student.
Transformer Questions (Microsoft Word 32kB Jul29 07)

Teaching Notes and Tips

The lecture demonstration can be followed by a lab activity where the students build a simple transformer.


The third question should be answered correctly by most students if the activity is effective. The fourth question can be asked as a homework question to test general understanding.

References and Resources

Simulation Source: Accessed from Florida State University through ComPADRE on July 11, 2007.