Gallery Walk Questions about Volcanism

This material was originally created for Starting Point:Introductory Geology
and is replicated here as part of the SERC Pedagogic Service.

created by Mark Francek, Central Michigan University

The following are potential questions that could be used in a gallery walk activity about volcanism. The questions are organized according to the cognitive level at which students are engaged, using Bloom's Taxonomy.


Name for a volcanic mudflow: ___________


What is the relationship between magma viscosity, explosiveness, and volcano profile?


For the next two summers, you will serve as a naturalist at Volcanoes National Park in Hawaii and Mt. Rainier in Washington. In your third year you will need to develop a brochure contrasting the geology and geomorphology of the two parks. What will you put on the front of the brochure? You are limited to two photographs and four to six bulleted phrases of no more than 10 words each.


How does plate tectonics explain for the volcano location, volcano form, and style of volcanic eruption?


How is volcanic activity related to changes in the atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere? On the other hand, how do variations in the atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere impact volcanism?


When should evacuation of a city located at the foot of a large composite volcano begin? Consider safety versus economic issues in your answer.

Visit the introduction to Gallery Walks for more information about using Gallery Walks in your classes.

Learn more about creating questions for Gallery Walk using Bloom's Taxonomy

To see a more fully fleshed out example of a Gallery Walk activity, check out either Weather Map Interpretation or Soil Morphology.