If you don't find the experiment you need, consider designing your own!
Economists have written a large number of classroom experiments and published them in a wide variety of books, journals and websites.
Results 1 - 10 of 18 matches
Paper Fans and Paper Planes: A classroom PPF example
This page is authored by Jamie Wagner, Ph.D., University of Nebraska
This in-class exercise has students create a classroom PPF which is simple to implement in about 15-20 minutes but has lasting impacts and applications.
In-classroom Pumping Test
David Becker, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Students conduct a pumping test in a sand-filled basin or tank in the classroom with either a siphon drain or small fountain pump. Drawdown is measured in small piezometers and students analyze the data to ...
Introduction to Carbonate Equilibrium
Michael Stapleton, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
The activity asks students to make observations about what occurs when two effervescent antacid tablets are placed into a beaker of water. The Students work together in groups. There are three parts to the ...
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Viscosity experiments: physical controls and implications for volcanic hazards
Ben Edwards, Dickinson College
This activity is a laboratory-style exercise that involves investigating the physical controls on viscosity by pouring different syrup mixtures down an inclined plane and using Jeffreys equation to calculate ...
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Weathering Experiment
Pete Stelling, Western Washington University
This project has students dirty several dishes equally and design experiments to determine which analogs of geologic processes are most efficient for removing the baked-on food. Students calculate rates of ...
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Cartel game
Enrique Valdes, Florida International University
This is a game that puts students in a groups to interact as if they were firms in a cartel. This game will illustrate how oligopoly's are inherently unstable.
An Interactive Introduction to Randomized Control Trials
Utteeyo Dasgupta, Franklin and Marshall College
This activity provides a classroom impact evaluation exercise that serves as an introduction to the primary investigative tool of current Development economics.
Penalty Kicks—A Simultaneous Move Zero-Sum Game
Christina Robinson, Central Connecticut State University
Penalty Kicks—A Simultaneous Move Zero-Sum Game is an experiment that illustrates the importance of playing randomized strategies. This experiment is appropriate for undergraduate students who have completed a basic game theory module and can be completed in 15-20 minutes.
The Value of Exchange: A Classroom Experiment
Tisha Emerson, Baylor University
This experiment illustrates the value of exchange to students through trading of candy.
Public Goods Experiment
Todd Swarthout, Georgia State University