
Initial Publication Date: March 16, 2015

SERC has an extensive portfolio of projects that have been created, developed, and implemented in collaboration with many partners. Learn more about many of our current and past projects using the browse below.

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Organizational Backbone: A focus on providing administrative services for partner organizations. This can include aspects such as membership management, accounts payable/receivable, and intra-organization communications.

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Organizational Backbone

Results 1 - 10 of 12 matches

NC-Few is community and hub to support the emergence of interdisciplinary educational efforts focused on food, energy, and water systems in a wide array of educational contexts. SERC is working with NC-FEW leadership in developing virtual and in-person events and evaluating the project's impact and outcomes.
Project Focus: Interdisciplinary Grand Challenges
SERC Role: Evaluation, Professional Development, Content Expertise, Website Hosting and Development, Community Building/Organization, Event Development/Facilitation, Materials Development/Review, Organizational Backbone, Product Dissemination
InTeGrate is a STEM-Talent Expansion Program facilitating a large, diverse community of practice in learning about teaching and collaborating for a sustainable future. As the project leadership and hub, SERC organizes and leads participants in materials development, implementation programs, workshops, webinars and project leadership in support of the community of practice needs and goals.
Project Focus: Interdisciplinary Grand Challenges , Changing Education Systems, Engaging Students with Communities
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Professional Development, Community Building/Organization, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Evaluation, Organizational Backbone, Website Hosting and Development, Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Materials Development/Review, Content Expertise, Event Development/Facilitation, Education Research, Project Management/Implementation
Teacher Preparation
This site examines the role of geoscience departments and faculty in preparing preservice teachers and supporting practicing teachers who teach Earth science at all pre-college levels. It draws from the participants insight and outcomes of a 2003 workshop. SERC hosted the workshop and supported the development of the website synthesis.
Project Focus: Career Support for Educators
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Community Building/Organization, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Organizational Backbone, Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Website Hosting and Development, Event Development/Facilitation
National Association of Geoscience Teachers
The National Association of Geoscience Teachers is a community of educators and education researchers working together to improve teaching and learning about Earth. SERC operates the Executive Office of the organization, supports NAGT programming, and hosts the NAGT website.
Project Focus: Connecting STEM Research to Education, Network and Community Building
SERC Role: Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development, Organizational Backbone, Event Development/Facilitation
Network of STEM Education Centers
NSEC is an organization of campus-based centers and offices that serve as catalysts for educational transformation in STEM. The network allows center leadership, university and college administrators, and state and national policymakers to have a central hub for their communal efforts. SERC works with NSEC to develop a number of resources that can assist STEM Education Centers in their missions and development. The STEM Ed Center Toolkit, Research Action Clusters, Center Profiles, as well as a number of virtual and in person events such as the Transforming Institutions conferences.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building , Changing Education Systems, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Career Support for Educators
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Professional Development, Organizational Backbone, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development:Online Tool Development, Event Development/Facilitation, Website Hosting and Development
The EarthConnections collective impact alliance developed regionally focused, education pathways that support students in locally relevant, Earth-science. SERC is the lead on this project.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Evaluation, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Organizational Backbone, Website Hosting and Development, Content Expertise:Geoscience, Event Development/Facilitation
The project's primary goal is to enhance access to high-quality Earth education resources by understanding how educators use SERC's materials, improving SERC's infrastructure and organization for easier access, and expanding discoverable resources through partnerships. SERC leads this project using community input to guide the improvements to SERC discovery infrastructure.
Project Focus: Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Organizational Backbone, Product Dissemination, Evaluation, Materials Development/Review, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Project Management/Implementation, Content Expertise, Website Hosting and Development:Online Tool Development, Website Hosting and Development
IE3: Meaningful evaluation of effective and inclusive teaching (LCC4)
IE3 Learning Community Cluster 4 (LCC4) is working to make substantial, cross-institutional progress toward meaningful evaluation of inclusive teaching by working collaboratively on three important pillars underlying meaningful evaluation of inclusive and effective teaching - Policies, Instructor Development, and Sources of Evidence. SERC provides an organizational backbone and framework for the work of the project in addition to design and facilitation of some project activities.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Supporting Student Success
SERC Role: Professional Development, Organizational Backbone, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Event Development/Facilitation, Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Website Hosting and Development
Teach the Earth
Teach the Earth is a portal to a broad range of Earth education materials. Originally developed by SERC as a central access point to the materials of its hosted projects, it is now operated in coordination with the National Association of Geoscience Teachers and serves as a locus of sharing across the Earth education community.
Project Focus: Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Project Management/Implementation, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Website Hosting and Development, Organizational Backbone, Content Expertise, Product Dissemination
Bridging to STEM Excellence
BTSE works to accelerate change in higher education and teacher preparation by developing 1) a bridge between institutional efforts to improve instruction and national initiatives offering programmatic support and 2) a community of practice increasing the interactions among and reach of the consortium organizations. SERC serves both in the leadership and the backbone for this network.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building , Supporting Student Success, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Evaluation, Organizational Backbone, Professional Development, Event Development/Facilitation, Community Building/Organization, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development, Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership